Posted by Dan Coombes, Chair , Rotary District 7070 Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup
Our 5th Annual Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup Event (GLWC) is quickly approaching! Please mark your calendar for Saturday April 26. 2025. More information will come from your District Environmental Action Committee very soon. Thank you - Dan Coombes - Chair GLWC (
What is your club doing ?What are you planning? Here's one example.....
At The Second Marsh in Oshawa, Ontario, the Rotary Clubs of Oshawa, Oshawa-Parkwood and Courtice and civic leaders will be helping the Friends of The Second Marsh to clean up the Second Marsh on Lake Ontario. The SECOND MARSH is a 137 ha coastal wetland located in the southeast portion of Oshawa, (Regional Municipality of Durham), Ontario, Canada. The combination of Second Marsh with the adjacent areas of McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve and Darlington Provincial Park represents nearly 400 hectares, one of the largest publicly accessible waterfront spaces available in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario in a major urban center, and is unique in being the largest remaining wetland in the GTA.
For even more ideas....... Please Read more .......
I have the honour and pleasure of announcing that Tina Martin of the Rotary Club of Markham Sunrise has been selected by District 7070 to serve as District Governor for the Rotary year 2027-28. Tina has been selected by the Nominating Committee and her selection has passed the period for any challenges (midnight Feb 9th, 2025).
Please join me in congratulating Tina on being selected to the role of DGND (District Governor Nominee Designate). I hope that you will support Tina in her new role and offer her your congratulations!
Virginia O’Reilly
2024-25 District Governor
Special thank you to all who participated in the selection process.
Learn about all the Youth Service initiatives offered in District 7070 and how you and your Club can engage youth in your community.
Who should attend: All Cub Presidents, President Elects, Youth Service Directors and all members interested in the numerous youth service initiatives offered in District 7070.
Learning Objective: Youth Service in District 7070 Engagement of youth in your community. How you and your Club can involve youth in Rotary?
Learn all about the Youth Services available in District 7070. They include: Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium (RYLS); Interact; Rotaract; Honouring Indigenous Peoples Youth to Youth Program ; and Rotary Youth Exchange.
Register TODAY on the District Calendar .
Learning Tuesdays - Feb 18, 2025 - Youth Services - How to Engage with Youth in Your Community
Past District Governor Mark Chipman, Chair of District 7070 Youth Services Committee.
Join us as we celebrate some "Women of Action" who continue to improve our world by taking action and making change happen. We will be inspired and moved to action.
Thursday, March 6 at 7 PM Rotary District 7070 International Women's Day Celebration Durham College Global Classroom 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa CFCE Building
REGISTER BY MARCH 4. Go to the District Calendar on the March 6 date
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Here is the recording of the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 Polio Webinar from January 16, 2025 where we heard about where we are now.... where we are headed and how we will get there from Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary's International Polio Plus Committee; Rotary International Director Chris Etienne ; Rotary Foundation Trustee Marty Helman; and Senior Rotary Polio Staff Officer Clare Monroe.
Here is the Recording....... Please Read more ......
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her February 2025 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly reminds us that February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Month and asks us to promote peace in our day-to -day interactions. She talks about supporting peace fellows and the Rotary Peace Centres. She asks us to Share the Magic of Rotary by inviting others to join us and share the positive peace impact with them . We can learn even more about the impact of Rotary at the Rotary International Convention in Calgary this June. Virginia announced the nomination of Tina Martin as District Governor Nominee Designate and following 14 days to allow for challenges, Tina will fill that important position. ....... .
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his February 2025 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Help us reach of Magic of Millions Goal by June 30, 2025. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Did you attend the November 16 Rotary Foundation Grant Qualification Seminar? Please Read more.........
Millions of people all over the world are currently displaced by armed conflict or persecution. In fact, 90% of casualties in armed conflicts are civilians, half of which are children. Through service projects and Rotary programs, the Rotary family is committed to pursuing projects that address the structural causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.....
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" February 2025 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in our February 2025 District 7070 Newsletter , and on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website.
As soon as Chris' "In The Zone" February 2025 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 February Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... This month, Chris interviews Rotary Peace Fellow Sarah Sanderson Doyle - a very impressive Rotary Peace fellow graduate . Please Read more...
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's February 2025 Newsletter, Mark says that although great progress has been made in building more peaceful societies around the world. Yet the reality of ongoing regional wars, skirmishes, and violence globally reminds us how far we still have to go and he asks us what can Rotary do to build peace. Mark talks about the 7 Rotary Peace Centers that provide fully funded fellowships, empowering individuals to address the complex challenges of conflict and development. More than 1,800 alumni now work in over 140 countries as champions of peace, creating lasting change in their communities. he announced that this month, the Foundation Trustees will consider a plan to establish our eighth Rotary Peace Center in Asia as part of our vision to have peace centres on every inhabited continent by 2030. he added that through Rotary’s partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace, we have trained over 300 Positive Peace Activators from 60 countries and through our Foundation grants and service, Rotary members are fostering peace by engaging with youths, strengthening civil society, and resolving core issues that can lead to conflict......
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's February 2025 Newsletter, she talks about the Rotary Peace Fellowship program , a cornerstone of Rotary’s mission to build a more peaceful and just world, the Rotary Peace Centers, and she invites everyone to attend the February's Rotary Presidential Peace Conference. She says , "As we reflect on the achievements of our peace fellows and celebrate Rotary’s enduring commitment to peace, let us also recognize the role that everyone in our network of 1.2 million members plays in creating magic through service." ........
February 23 is Rotary’s 120th Birthday. That day is also called World Understanding and Peace Day. On February 23, 1905, little did Paul Harris and his three friends realize what they were starting when they met in room 711 of the Unity Building in Chicago. We have come a long way, since then, but we still have a long way to go to achieve goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world. And there is more to read.......
This month is February - Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Month and here are the "Courses of the Month" from the Rotary Learning Center. We are asking YOU to focus on these courses that align with the theme of the month. We encourage you to take these courses so that you have a better understanding and become even more effective in the success of your club. .
Here is the course: All about Rotary Peace Fellowships AND Essentials of Understanding Conflict
All about Rotary Peace Fellowships : Course description: Learn about the Rotary Peace Fellowship program and how we train leaders in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Also find out what kind of candidates we're looking for, how you can help identify them, and which universities host Rotary Peace Centers. You will also learn how you can get involved with the program as a member or with your club or district.
Essentials of Understanding Conflict: Course description: In this course, you will learn the essentials of how to understand, manage, and resolve conflict. You'll define conflict and learn about the main types of conflict. You'll explore conflict management styles, their applications, and begin to assess your own style. You'll also review steps to solve conflict and think about how you can apply that to all kinds of conflicts you encounter yourself.
Log in to MyRotary , under the Knowledge and Resources tab , scroll down and click on the Learning Center, and View "About Rotary" and "The Professional Development" Courses and you will see the courses listed there. Click on the courses and Enjoy !!
Be Sure to Take February's Featured Monthly Learning Center Courses Related to Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
It is always with great sadness when we loose members of our District 7070 Rotary family. Everyone in District 7070 wants to expresses their deepest sympathies to our extended Rotary family. Please send your notices to Newsletter Editor Dave Andrews at .....
Posted by Laura Spear, Rotary Zone 32 Public Image Coordinator
Dear District Governors, District Public Image Chairs in Zone 32, and everyone interested in Rotary Public Image,
Happy new year! Here is the monthly Public Image update for January.
Brand Center has several how-to videos to help you with its easy-to-use templates. Learn how to use the templates to design your custom club or district logo, People of Action ads, and other promotional materials.
Brand Center now includes a new video, "Unstoppable," which tells the story of Rotary's historic role in helping rid the world of polio. Share this exciting video on your website and social media channels to show your community what Rotary does.
To deepen understanding of the many ways Rotary adds value to members' lives, Rotary is featuring three new testimonial videos as part of its new promotional campaign. As People of Action, diverse members share their unique stories and how Rotary helps them further their passions and professions. Feature these videos on your club and district websites and social media channels to show potential partners and members the value they can find in Rotary.
Tell your Rotary stories with data. The new Rotary Impact Handbook can help guide your club or district in gathering the right data to show your impact and demonstrate that you're people of action.
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada on Feb 01, 2025
Here is the latest update from Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. Ally is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. She relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies and is a member of the Rotaract Club of Kingston......
As many of you know, Peter registered for the District 7070 Conference in October 2025. Peter also was the lucky winner of the tickets . Good for Peter. Some of you also know that Peter is in Florida.
He wants to give the tickets to the highest bidder and take the money and donate it to The Rotary Foundation's PolioPlus Fund. He is still accepting bids. Please pass this note on to you club members as soon as you can and be sure to contact Peter with your best bid. So far, the bid is $500 for the 2 tickets. Peter is accepting bids until February 15. Good luck to everyone.
Here is Peter's note:
I have been lucky enough to win two tickets to the hockey game on March 3rd between the Leafs and the Sharks. Unfortunately, I cannot use them so I am offering them to the highest bidder. The seats are in section 313 (but the donor is working to get us 200 level seats). Whatever the tickets sell for will be donated to the TRF Polio Plus Fund.
Yours in Rotary Service, Peter D Vanek Rotary Club of Willowdale telephone: 905-886-0010 email:
Two tickets to the March 3, 2025 Hockey Game between the Leafs and the Sharks from Peter Vanek - Bid deadline Feb 15
It's cold out there. On February 22nd, the ROTARY ROLLERS (members of the Rotary Club of Etobicoke) are going to do something about it! They will be walking in the Coldest Night of The year Campaign to fundraise for the amazing Haven on the Queensway, who support people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in Etobicoke. They are grateful for your donations! Thank you so much! If you wish to contribute, HERE is the link. Isn't it time that your Rotary club participates in the Coldest Night of the Year in your community. Maybe you are. Thank you.
Rotary Club of Etobicoke Raises Over $1,100 for The Coldest Night of the Year - SO FAR - More to Come
Posted by Romulo Orlandini, Rotary Club of Etobicoke
On January 26th, Rotary Club of Etobicoke was honoured with the 2024 Community Recognition Award for “Outstanding Volunteer Service to the Community.” Several members went to the front stage to accept the award, marking the first time our club has received this honour. The award was promoted by MP Ivan Baker, himself also a club member. The club was nominated by a community member and selected by a volunteer-based committee who recognized our contributions to Etobicoke. The Rotary Club of Etobicoke supports the community through several initiatives, including grants provided by Community Services, Hands-On donations, scholarships from New Generations, and various other projects. Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Etobicoke. Please Click HERE to view photos.
Rotary Club of Etobicoke Receives Outstanding Volunteer Service to the Community Award
On January 28, 2025 the Public Image Committees of Rotary Zone 28 and 32 presented tips on Story Telling . Every Rotarian and Rotary Club have a story to tell. What makes that story compelling? What is the impact? What is the emotional depth of the story? How do you tell your Rotary story effectively and when and where do you tell it? Thank you to our Zone 28 and 32 Public Image Chairs Mary Lou Harrison and Laura Spears for assembling the team of experts as they present some excellent story telling tips . Take a look at the recording , now available on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website. (under the tab: 'Webinars and Event Archives"). Here is the link: .
Rotary Zone 28 & 32 Public Image Webinar On January 28 - Resonating Narrative - Recording NOW AVAILABLE
Literacy Awards 2024: Acknowledging and Supporting Club BEL Initiatives : Since 2017, BELRAG has highlighted Rotary’s commitment to basic education and literacy by showcasing projects from clubs and districts. Projects are evaluated on community need, impact, public awareness, Rotarian involvement, and effectiveness.
This year’s award recipients are the Rotary Clubs of Calgary, Port Moody, Tygerberg, and Little Rock After Hours, while the Rotaract BEL Award was given to Rotaract New Kingston. The review committee, led by Brenda Parsons and Carol Marcotte, included members from various countries. Detailed project descriptions can be found on the BELRAG website . Congratulations to all award recipients!......
Data – indicators that provide insight into your projects – play an important role conveying the positive change your club or district makes in the community and can even propel people into action. Share your project data in compelling ways, such as through photos, video clips, or infographics, to inspire new partnership and funding opportunities, attract new members, and create stronger community bonds. The new Rotary Impact Handbook can help guide your club or district in gathering the right data to show your impact and demonstrate that you’re people of action.
“Connect & Inspire Through Storytelling,” a motivational webinar hosted by Rotary International and Toastmasters International, offers ideas on how to effectively tell your club’s stories. Panelists from Rotary and Toastmasters discuss connecting across demographic and cultural boundaries, bringing authenticity to your stories, and keeping things simple. Find an overview of the webinar and a link to view it in this Rotary Voices blog post by webinar moderator Mary Shackleton, District 7240 Endowment/Major Gifts subcommittee chair and a Toastmaster.
We know there’s not one type of Rotary member, nor one type of Rotary experience. To deepen understanding of the many ways Rotary adds value to members’ lives, our new promotional campaign features videos of diverse members as People of Action sharing their unique stories. In our campaign’s debut, we present three videos of members talking about how Rotary helps them further their passions and professions. Moving forward we’ll add more examples that showcase Rotary’s diversity of membership, breadth of experiences, and global reach.
These testimonial videos are ideal to feature on your club websites and social media channels to introduce potential participants and members to the personal value they can find in Rotary.
When it comes to ending polio, we're "Unstoppable". In a new Brand Center video, “Unstoppable,” we tell the story of Rotary’s historic role in helping rid the world of polio. We started this job over 40 years ago and we haven’t stopped since. Members have contributed more than US$2.7 billion and countless volunteer hours to this cause, and our goal is closer than ever. Show your community what Rotary does – and can do – by sharing this exciting video on your website and social media channels. Download HERE.
Rotary and Rotaract clubs can work with their district Rotary Foundation chair or Rotary Peace Fellowship subcommittee chair to recruit and recommend candidates for Rotary Peace Fellowships. Each year, the Foundation awards up to 130 fellowships to experienced peacebuilders from around the world so they can study at one of our Rotary Peace Centers. The fellows can earn a master’s degree or an advanced professional development certificate in disciplines related to peace and development. Applications will be accepted from February 1 through May 15, 2025. Peace fellows will begin their studies in 2026 at partner universities in Australia, Japan, Sweden, Türkiye, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and the United States. ....
It’s not too early for clubs and districts to start working on their concept notes for the 2026 Programs of Scale grant competition, which begins in February 2025. This Rotary Foundation program awards grants of US$2 million and distributes them over three to five years to a successful program that is ready to expand. To learn more about the competition, visit the Programs of Scale Application Process page, and download the Programs of Scale Handbook and the template for a concept note.
The 2026 Programs of Scale Grants Competition Opens Soon
We’re giving our Rotary Voices blog a new name and a fresh look! Check back soon to see what all the excitement is about and read great stories from both Rotary members and our friends in the field. Check it out today. ( see: )
Look back at some of our most memorable moments, share inspirational stories of clubs making a difference, and learn why donors contribute to The Rotary Foundation in the 2023-24 annual report.
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" January 2025 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in our January 2025 District 7070 Newsletter , and on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website.
As soon as Chris' "In The Zone" January 2025 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 January Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
A Big "Well Done" goes out to the Rotary Club of Cobourg. Here is their You tube video that was put together by our Santa Parade Committee (led by Rotarian Tracy Berry) and Tracy's husband, Scott. It shows the Magic of Rotary and the early prep work and was a great event.
Well Done - Rotary Club of Cobourg on Your Santa Claus Parade Float
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her January 2025 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly talks about the first six months in District 7070 being truly magical as she visited clubs and heard about their tremendous service projects and she encourages everyone to keep it going - a wonderful way to attract new members. During the next 6 moths, Virginia asks us to concentrate on reaching our Magic of Millions target of $1 million to The Rotary Foundation. She also encourages us to register for the Rotary International Convention in Calgary in June and to bring our club goals to fruition to Make Magic happen in 2024-2024. . ....... .
This month is January - Vocational Service Month and here are the "Courses of the Month" from the Rotary Learning Center. We are asking YOU to focus on these courses that align with the theme of the month. We encourage you to take the courses so that you have a better understanding and become even more effective in the success of your club. .
Here are the courses: Interpersonal communication and Networking AND Mentoring Basics AND Learning Plan ideas: Leadership skills
Interpersonal communication and Networking: Course description: This Toastmasters course focuses on building and maintaining professional relationships and networks. The topics introduced in this project include creating beneficial relationships, maintaining and building a network, and recognizing the point of view of others.
Mentoring Basics: Course description: In this course you will learn the role, responsibilities and benefits of being a mentor to an adult professional. By the end of the course, you will be able to: Explain what mentoring is; Identify the traits of a good mentor; Articulate the benefits of sharing one’s experience and expertise with others; and Apply mentoring best practices. This course is intended for adult mentor relationships and is not intended to advise or certify mentors for youth.
Learning Plan ideas: Leadership skills: Course descriptions: Learn more about how to lead by reviewing the principles of effective leadership in four courses developed through an alliance between Rotary and Toastmasters International: Leadership Basics; Leading A Team; Collaboration; and Building Consensus
Log in to MyRotary , under the Knowledge and Resources tab , scroll down and click on the Learning Center, and View The Professional Development Courses and you will see the courses listed there. Click on the courses and Enjoy !!
Take January's Featured Monthly Learning Center Courses Related to Vocational Service
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's January 2025 Newsletter, Mark talks about January marking a fresh start, and a time to take stock of what we have achieved and plan for future success. Mark says, "When setting your personal goals for this year, remember that by supporting The Rotary Foundation, you extend your impact worldwide. Every contribution - no matter the size - adds to the momentum driving meaningful change. So as we enter 2025, let us reaffirm our commitment to the Rotary Foundation. By combining our efforts and our giving with others in our great organization, we can truly say that no matter what our vocation or where our location is, we are contributing to a global force for good." ......
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's January 2025 Newsletter, she talks about there is nothing more powerful for engaging and retaining members than a club that's vibrant, welcoming and yes, fun. She asks us to try something new to bring out a few extra smiles. It is the simple things that create lasting bonds and make clubs simply irresistible. She adds, "When we enjoy what we do, that energy becomes contagious. It's what attracts new members and keeps our clubs strong and engaged. It helps people feel that they belong. The healthier our club culture, the more likely members are to stay. Rotary magazine is an outstanding resource for inspiration on how to enhance our club culture and deepen member engagement. I encourage you to explore the stories and strategies in these pages, drawing from other clubs' successes to find ideas that work for you." ........
The Seventh Annual Concert to Feed the Need in Durham on SUNDAY, December 8, 2024, that featured musicians from across the Durham Region at The BILTMORE THEATRE in Oshawa, was another huge success, thanks to Joe Solway from the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and the other 6 Rotary Clubs in Durham Region. Proceeds went to help feed their neighbours in the seventh annual Concert to Feed the Need in Durham. As in past years, the event showcased an award-winning line-up of performers from a cross-section of genres – pop, country, R&B, gospel, folk, classical and more.
The event’s scope has grown over the years, becoming a Durham-wide Rotary event, with the Rotary clubs in Durham Region joining as co-presenters. Proceeds from the concert went to Feed the Need in Durham – and the need has never been greater. The agency collects and distributes food and other essential items to more than 65 emergency food providers across Durham, including food banks, shelters, meal and snack programs and other social service agencies. Please Read more....
Posted by Laura Spear, Rotary Zone 32 Public Image Coordinator
Dear District Governors, District Public Image Chairs in Zone 32, and everyone interested in Rotary Public Image,
Here is the monthly Public Image update for December / January:
Brand Center: Organized in 3 sections. Make sure you are familiar with each! Our brand — Learn about the elements that make up our brand, how to promote Rotary and your club, and how to use our People of Action materials to strengthen Rotary's brand. Downloads — Download ready-made promotional materials, including print and digital ads, images, videos, and audio Templates — Create your own club, district, and zone logos and promotional materials with easy-to-use and customizeable templates
Find People of Action materials that you can use and customize here. Talking about Rotary members as People of Action is a way to reflect how we see ourselves and what makes us different, while helping others clearly understand who we are and what Rotary is about. Use the materials in Brand Center to create a personal connection with your audience by emphasizing how we create change in the communities we serve......
In this polio update from the Rotary Voices podcast, three polio experts from around the world talk about work in regions where wild polio has long been eradicated and in the two countries where wild polio remains endemic. Listen to the Podcast.
Eradicating polio is no longer a question of “if” but “when.” Rotary members hosted a compelling World Polio Day panel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, birthplace of the polio vaccine. The panelists were RI President Stephanie A. Urchick, a Pittsburgh native; Dr. Peter L. Salk, son of vaccine developer Dr. Jonas Salk; Michael K. McGovern, chair of the International PolioPlus Committee; and 2016-17 RI President John F. Germ. The panel offered unique perspectives from leaders who are committed to eradicating this disease, and they explained how continuing support and innovation are bringing us closer to that goal. Play The Recording.
‘When,’ not ‘if’: Progress continues toward ending polio
Posted by Claudia Urbano, Rotary Service and Engagement staff
At Rotary, we’re dedicated to making a positive difference in communities around the world. One of our areas of focus is Disease Prevention and Treatment. Our members help to improve health care systems, limit the spread of infectious diseases, and reduce the number of cases and effects of non-communicable diseases.How can you increase the effectiveness of your next project? Discover these eight essential tips for a successful disease prevention and treatment project.....
Despite advances in the past 20 years, malaria, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea remain among the leading causes of death for children under five in sub-Saharan Africa. The Rotary Healthy Communities Challenge aims to treat these diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Zambia. Learn more about the three-year, $30 million initiative.
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada on Jan 01, 2025
Here is the latest update from Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. Ally is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. She relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies and is a member of the Rotaract Club of Kingston......
Rotary offers benefits for people of all ages and backgrounds. From learning more about the world to learning more about yourself, you can grow by engaging with Rotary’s global network and the array of activities, programs, and interest groups that Rotary offers. When you get involved in Rotary, whether as a Rotarian, Rotaractor, or program participant, you expand your perspective by honing your skills, learning from professionals, making new connections, and making a difference in your community and around the world. We know that each member has a unique combination of interests, skills, and talents, and so each member will be attracted to different activities. This guide describes the options you can choose from to personalize your Rotary experience and get involved in ways that matter to you. Click here to get the Guide.
Designing Your Rotary Experience - Get Involved In Ways That Matter to YOU
Whether you want to improve your members’ club experience in the short term, grow your overall membership, or do both, Rotary Club Central can help you reach your membership goals. With the latest updates to Rotary Club Central, you can now add goals for three consecutive years, allowing you to track your progress as you work toward your club’s long-term vision. Learn more by visiting the Learning Center. If you haven't visited the Learning Center before, go to, register for or sign in to My Rotary, and accept the privacy policy. Then, search for Rotary Club Central Resources.
Updates to Rotary Club Central will support your membership goals
Posted by Brian King Director of Membership Development - Rotary International
Rotary is launching an improved system for managing membership leads early in the new calendar year! We’re excited about this process that will make it easier and faster for clubs to connect with prospective members. Under the new system, people who want to join a Rotary or Rotaract club review their options and submit their interest to a club they choose. Club presidents, membership chairs, secretaries, and executive secretaries then get an email that includes a link to the person’s profile in Salesforce. Club leaders can track follow-up actions in the system and keep notes about the membership lead.....
Each January, a larger number of prospective members contact Rotary, seeking to be connected with a club. If your club wants to connect with new members, start by confirming that your club information is updated in My Rotary and on your club’s website and social media accounts. Make sure prospective members know how to engage with your club, whether that’s by attending an upcoming meeting or participating in your next service project. In the near future, Rotary will launch a new system for managing membership leads, using technology from Salesforce. This system will make it easier and faster for clubs to connect with the more than 30,000 prospective members who indicate their interest through the Join a Club page each year. And those prospective members will be able to review club information, such as location and meeting time, and then specify the club they’re most interested in. When prospective members indicate interest in clubs, the clubs will receive email notifications and reminders from Rotary to help them track these leads.
Please read more form Brian King, Director of Membership Development, Rotary International.........
January is Vocational Service month on Rotary’s calendar. Please take a few minutes to read about this important Avenue of Service in these excerpts from an article written by the Past Chair of the District 7070 Vocational Service Committee, Ian Lancaster, about Vocational Service, its history and its importance in Rotary club life. Be sure to check out examples of projects for your club to support and make everyone award of Rotary's important Avenue of Service ....
It is always with great sadness when we loose members of our District 7070 Rotary family. Everyone in District 7070 wants to expresses their deepest sympathies to our extended Rotary family. Please send your notices to Newsletter Editor Dave Andrews at .....
Posted by District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly
District 7070 is looking for Rotarians who are interested in leading our District as Governor in the 2027-28 Rotary year – July 1, 2027 to June 30, 2028.
All Rotary Clubs in District 7070 are invited to submit suggestions to me on or before Friday, January 10th, 2025. Nomination forms should be scanned and sent by email to Receipt of each form will be made by return email. Please retain the original form. Please use the attached nomination form, noting that each club may suggest only one of its own members as a candidate for the position of Governor-Nominee (term of office begins July 1, 2027) as per Rotary International By-Law 12.030.3. Also attached are District Election Guidelines provided by Rotary International. As per District 7070 Policies & Procedures Point 5.4.2, page 5 of 22, such a submission shall be in the form of a resolution, adopted at a regular meeting of the club, properly certified by the secretary, and accompanied by a resume or biographical sketch of the suggested Rotarian
Duly-nominated candidates will be interviewed on the morning of Saturday January 25th, 2025 in Meeting Room 2 at the Whitby Public Library. ....
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his January 2025 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Did you attend the November 16 Rotary Foundation Grant Qualification Seminar? Please Read more.........
The Rotary Action Group Against Slavery in Canada is looking for ambassadors from each of Canada’s more than 700 Rotary clubs to champion the elimination of human trafficking in the country.
The national group is part of the international Rotary Action Group Against Slavery, which includes members from dozens of countries.
Rotary is a respected voice in Canada, says Barbara Lustgarten-Evoy, and bringing Rotary members from all over the country together to advocate on this issue things are done,” says Lustgarten-Evoy, a member of the Rotary E-Club of District 7080 and the Canadian coordinator for the human trafficking eradication project. To that end, the action group must “connect Rotarians to one another and to the people doing the work around the country. That’s how we get heard, and that’s how we make the change we need to make.” ......
Rotary Action Groups help clubs and districts plan humanitarian service projects on various focused topics. The groups are organized by Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace Fellows with skills and interest in a particular field. Membership is open to people who want to share their expertise to make a positive impact or support action groups’ projects and activities. Action group members have the opportunity to engage in meaningful service activities outside their clubs, districts, or countries. Clubs can draw on these groups to enhance projects, engage members, and attract new ones. ...
Tune in to the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 Polio Webinar on January 16, 2025 at 6 pm EST where you will hear about where we are now.... where we are headed and how we will get there from Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary's International Polio Plus Committee; Rotary International Director Chris Etienne ; Rotary Foundation Trustee Marty Helman; and Senior Rotary Polio Staff Officer Clare Monroe.
Be sure to register. Here is the link to register for the webinar.
Tune in to the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 Polio Webinar on January 16, 2025 at 6 pm EST
Start the year off with a bit of attention to the squeaks! Learn about how some clubs have adapted to changing needs at our first monthly Membership Meetup of 2025 on Monday, January 6th.
You can always find the link on the Zone website calendar. Please share! Rotary Zones 28 and 32 -- all welcome!
Be sure to join in on the Zoom meeting. Monday January 6 at 7:30 pm . The membership meeting is called " Oiling the Squeaky Parts: Strategies to Increase Your Club’s Ability to Adapt".
Posted by John Currie, executive Director HIP and past Pres Rotary Club of Pickering
Dear Rotarians and Rotaractors in District 7070,
Chi Miigwetch (Big Thank You) to each of you for making this an extraordinary year for HIP. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary and reflect on the success of our second National event—there is so much to be grateful for and proud of.
While we are just beginning to understand the full ripple effect of HIP’s programs, the positive feedback we’ve received from youth, teachers, and parents is a testament to the impact of your dedication. I wanted to share an email I recently received from a past participant, Emma Giberson, whose words encapsulate the transformative power of the work we do together: .....
The Rotary Clubs of Durham Region were pleased to donate funds to Grandview Kids and as the sign outside the pool says " pool generously supported and by the Rotary Clubs of Durham Region". Members of many of the Rotary Clubs of Durham Region attended the Grand Opening of the new Grandview Kids amazing complex in Ajax, on December 17, 2024. Thank you to Ajax Rotary club past President Ken Hurst for his many hours of working with the Rotary Clubs to make the donation possible. Please Read more ...
Posted by Rotary Club of Scarborough Passport President Dr. Raffy Chouljian
Brush-a-mania is a not-for-profit program designed to promote oral health and awareness among young children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6. It was started in 2001 by the Scarborough Rotary Passport Club and has already reached over 650,000 students. Our purpose is to educate and motivate children and to bring together dentists, Rotarians, teachers and parents to create a celebration around proper dental care. Read more about this great project and see how you and your Rotary Club can help .....
Posted by Past District Governor Mark Chipman, Chair of District 7070 RYLS
Empowering young leaders to develop new skills and take action. The D7070 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium gathers youth ranging from ages 16 to 20 for an immersive program focused on diversity, leadership, and action. The 2025 dates are April 10-13, 2025 at Ganaraska Forest Centre. we are accepting applications now until March 1, 2025. The cost is $399/participant, only $14 increase over last year - a great price point!
We are thrilled to announce DGE Niecy Dillon's 2025 Conference at the beautiful Fern Resort in Orillia. Take this opportunity to book your ticket for fun and fellowship by copying this link.
ANOTHER DRAW: Register by Feb 28, 2025: It's hard to believe with all this snow on the ground that we are talking about a resort, but yet here we are. We are planning another draw for the end of February - a lovely Valentine's gift basket donated by committee member, Tina Martin. To be eligible for the draw, you must be registered for the conference and accommodation at Fern Resort. We notice that there are a number of Rotarians who have reserved rooms, but are not registered for the Conference. If you need confirmation of your status, just shoot me an email. We would ask that if you have reserved a room, but have not registered for the Conference, please be kind and get your names on the list by the end of February. Note: There are only 20 rooms available at Fern so act now and get into the draw! Thank you and please enjoy winter wonderland! I can only imagine what is like at Fern.
Nearly a decade ago, while Jennifer Jones was the chair of the Strengthen Rotary’s Brand Committee, Rotary International conducted in-depth research to better understand how the public viewed Rotary, our members, and our work. What we learned was that we needed to reposition the Rotary brand by focusing on clear, consistent messages and a unified visual identity. Based on the committee’s recommendation, the Rotary International Board of Directors approved new brand guidelines, which included how clubs should use the Rotary logo.......
Posted by Past District Governor Lynda Ryder and current President of the Rotary Club of Etobicoke
It has been a busy fall and winter for our Rotary Cubs in District 7070. Here are just some of the hands on projects of the Rotary Club of Etobicoke : Their members participated in the Watershed Park Clean Up (Thanks to Tom) , Letters from Santa - thanks to our Rotaract Club of York Uni, Interact Clubs of ECI and RCI and Upper Canada College, Lunches every month to Hope With Wheels and Gillian delivered bags of support items on behalf of Rotary Etobicoke to Franklin Horner Community Centre to become part of the gift bags for over 200 seniors identified as being alone at Christmas. Franklin Horner and volunteers provide delivered Christmas meals and gift bags every year and we always participate. Well done everyone. Please Read more to see what they have done...
Rotary and Rotaract clubs can now designate a Programs for Young Leaders contact. And Interact club presidents can (with a parent’s consent) complete an optional self-registration form to receive resources and support directly from Rotary International. Both of these changes will help clubs and youth programs expand and grow stronger in part by enabling RI to distribute tools and information to club contacts. The Programs for Young Leaders contacts will stay connected with all of the youth programs their club sponsors, amplifying participants’ ideas and input and advocating for safe, inclusive programs. They will also serve as the main contact for any Interact clubs their club sponsors, attend Interact meetings, and find opportunities for Interactors to attend the sponsor club’s meetings and activities. Learn more about the Programs for Young Leaders contact. ....
Posted by Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair, District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
Dear Fellow Rotarians in District 7070,
Rotarians in District 7070 have been committed over the past nearly 40 years to raising funds to immunize children worldwide and our efforts are paying off. You should be proud of the difference that Rotary has made in the lives of millions of children by eliminating this dreadful disease.
I want to thank you for your past efforts and ask that you recommit to helping us raise funds to finish Rotary’s number one initiative of eradicating polio. Rotary is still committed to raising $50 million a year for this effort.
As such, we are launching the Polio Plus Society and are inviting you to join our efforts to continue to raise funds to eradicate polio. To become a member of the Polio Plus Society you are asked to commit to making an annual donation of $100 USD or more to The Rotary Foundation’s Polio Plus Fund until the last two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, are certified free of the wild polio virus.
We are a new Rotaract club in the district. We are an e-club that spans over the entire district 7070. We’ve approached you today to let you know we are actively recruiting future Rotaractors. So if you know any individuals who might be interested feel free to get them to sign up using our sign-up sheet in our bio or by emailing us directly. We are looking forward to learning more and creating a partnership with your club. Feel free to reach us at If interested.
Our goals:
- To give Rotaractors a home after they graduate from a university-based Rotaract club
- To address service area gaps in Rotaract programs
- To foster and grow Rotaract in the District
- To be a central club that allows for tracking numbers and coordinating large-scale events like the Rotaract District Conference
- To be an access point between Rotaract and Rotary Clubs
- To be an inclusive space that builds goodwill and better friendships
- To foster Rotarians of the future
- To be a fun club where young professionals and university students get to network, and develop under rotary.
We look for your support in making this a reality.
Additionally below is our Linktree containing our social media and Sign-up Sheet, please circulate it to your club and networks.
Posted by Bill Empey - Honouring Indigenous People, Rotary District 7070 Coordinator
Here is the latest Honouring Indigenous People Rotary News and Events, projects, blogs, photos, films, and resources. There are many major initiatives and resources available to you and your Rotary club. Your Club can help. Our District 7070 Action Committee's Areas of Focus Coordinator is Bill Empey from the Rotary Club of Toronto If you have a good news story, or want to help starting a project, please contact Bill. Here are some news highlights .........
Posted by Past District Governor , Bob Wallace, Chair District 7070 Technology Team
This is to introduce the District 7070 Technology team. Let's meet our team members. We are a team that can provide answers to any of your queries about MY ROTARY, CLUBRUNNER, ZOOM, and social media.
If you have any questions or problems that we can help with please contact me.
If your club would like any training in these areas, also please let us know. We recognize that these software programs are a great help and want you to get the most out of them.......
Posted by Lars Henriksson, Past District 7070 Governor
As we are returning step by step to a more normal life, after COVID, it is now time to also look at the plans for the future for YOUR CLUB. Club Visioning offers a process to develop an Action Plan for the Club. Each member of the Club is invited to participate, and the session can be either on-line or in person. Interested? Please, contact Lars Henriksson at to find out more about the Club Visioning program.
Rotary Clubs, like most other organizations, will benefit from having a plan for the next couple of years. What are YOUR goals? What do you want YOUR Club to be like - two or three years down the road?
Strategic planning consists more or less of these three steps.
A description of where you are now, the Club’s status.
As a group, you and your club members decide what and where you want to be in two, three years.
By developing an Action Plan, you and your club members map out how to reach your goals.
Posted by Iosif Ciosa, Chair District 7070 Learning Committee
To District 7070 Committees: From: Committee Chair: Iosif Ciosa
Learning 2024-25 Description Form : Please use the 2023-24 form until a new one is developed.
Here is the 2023-24 Learning Description Form that we would like you to fill out and sent to Iosif Ciosa when you create the learning event that we will put on the District Website.
You may attach pictures, flyers, artwork or graphics (please make sure that pictures or graphics are not copywritten and are royalty free).
There are lots of tips and tools of the trade when it comes to Public Image, Membership, The Rotary Foundation and Governance, when it comes to you and your Rotary or Rotaract club. This is exactly what we have in store for you.
On Tuesdays, on a monthly basis , we will be presenting learning opportunities, in one-hour zoom sessions, for you and your club members, to help you with many ways that you can learn more about Rotary and really help your club.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2024 - REGISTER TODAY FOR ANOTHER GREAT LEARNING TUESDAYS ON MEMBERSHIP. Go to the District website calendar and register today.
In 2024-25, we will have 9 sessions ( No sessions in the months: July, December & June) with sessions allocated as follows: 2 sessions on Governance; 2 sessions on Membership; 1 session on The Rotary Foundation; and 1 session on Public Image. Watch the District 7070 Calendar for the time and date. Stay tuned for more details, these sessions are being developed as we speak.
"Learning Tuesdays" - For 2024-25 - Let's Learn More About Rotary - Together - Ideal For You and Your Club Members
As Rotary’s approach to building knowledge and skills shifts from a training model to a learning model, we’re putting participants at the center of the learning experience so they can direct their own learning and skill development.
Watch our webinar that was shown on February 13, 2024 to explore how to create dynamic learning experiences through facilitated dialogue and idea sharing.
Rotary's Shift From Training To Learning - Watch This Webinar
Do you have events or fundraisers that you want other clubs to know about? Perhaps a project with which you need their assistance? Here are just three ways you can get your event, your message , a story about your club, or your "ask for help" out to your neighbouring Rotary Clubs, RIGHT HERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER:........
Posted by David Andrews, Chair, District 7070 Public Image Committee
Our District 7070 Public Image Committee is calling for YOU (Rotaractors and Rotarians in the District) to join our District Public Image Committee. Our scope is to boost Rotary's Public Image and to assist Rotary Clubs in D7070 to do the same.
We are looking for YOU, Rotaractors and Rotarians who have experience in the field of Public Relations, Social Media platforms, and news writing. We want you to use those very special talents to assist clubs and our Committee . Are you that Rotarian? Are you that Rotaractor? Are you interested ? Please contact Dave Andrews at and we can set up a time to chat about your interests.
Be sure to see the Public Image menu tab on our District Website and check out our District Facebook Page , Twitter account and Instagram account and the District Newsletters too, for some idea of what we do.
In the Summer of 2020, we asked Rob MacArthur, our District 7070 Public Image Public Investigator to carry out an investigation on all 55 Rotary clubs with respect to their club's Public Image. Rob looked at your club's basic web site setup as well as social media channels and the way they were being used. A spreadsheet of the results was made available for our District Leadership Team and Assistant Governors to look at in the Fall of 2020. The Pie Chart included shows a graphical representation of the results. Where do you "think" your club fits in this chart? What is the Image that the public have, about your club? Here is what Rob found out... Please Read more....
Rotary’s public image is shaped by the actions of every member, from how we conduct ourselves in meetings to how we represent Rotary at events and respond to needs in our communities. The club public image committee’s role is to create and implement a plan to tell Rotary’s local story, promote the club’s activities in the area, and raise awareness of Rotary’s work around the world. This list will help you assess how well your committee is shaping Rotary’s image.
Check the Club Public Image Checklist. See how many checks you have accomplished , and start working on the rest of the checks. Your 2024-25 Club President already has a copy. Here is the checklist.
How many Checks Can You Put On Your Club's Public Image Checklist?
Posted by David Andrews, Chair, District 7070 Public Image Committee
The Rotary International Board of Directors has made it very clear. A brand is more than just a logo, but a logo is a big part of our visual identity. When the public sees it throughout their community, they begin to think of Rotary members as people of action. Using the same visual elements unites Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact and allows us, as a diverse global organization, to tell our story with one voice.
The RI Board of Directors is asking every club to update its logo to align with Rotary’s brand guidelines
Unfortunately,I have noticed that some Rotary Clubs in our District are altering the Rotary logo for use in the marketing and promotion of their various events and projects.
This sends the wrong signal to the public. Many do not know who we are now and different “looks” to our logo just makes it worse. Please use the Rotary Brand Center ( see : and USE ONLY THE ONE ROTARY LOGO in your marketing and public relations initiatives. That would include your website , all social media sites and any signs you may have created.
A consistent voice and unified visual identity are essential components of a strong brand. Learn how to use Rotary’s communication and design elements to build awareness and recognition of Rotary and to tell the story of people of action. We continue to strive for One clear consistent look and message in all that we do, to ensure that everyone knows our “Rotary” message.....
The last two District Conferences featured our exchange students, I am sure you are all wanting to get in on the fun and excitement and get YOUR OWN EXCHANGE STUDENT.
At the Stirling Rotary Clubhouse , the Rotary Clubs of Stirling, Trenton, Brighton & Campbellford held a joint information session for prospective outbound students. We had 16 interested students and most students brought both of their parents. If you need a copy of the live presentation please contact . Do you need more information ? Please contact co-chairs Beth Selby selbyandvail@gmail.comor Trevor Hagerman
If August 2025 might work for your club, please contact us TODAY .. we can do a presentation via Zoom or possibly in person visit to your club.
Beth & Trevor
Attention - Rotarians and Rotoractors! ...... Interested in helping our district youth? Want to make lifelong friendships? The District Rotary Youth Exchange Committee welcomes you to join us!We meet monthly to select and support our District’s Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound and Outbound Students. Contact PDG Beth Selby ( or Trevor Hagerman (
JOIN the Rotary District 7070 Youth Exchange Committee - Make lifelong friendships
The Service Project Center, Rotary’s new digital platform for service activities, has launched. It gives members more opportunities to manage service projects and share stories, best practices, and interests.
With the introduction of this platform, Rotary Showcase has been retired. All Rotary and Rotaract service projects have been transferred to the Service Project Center.
The Service Project Center is faster than the old system and offers a consistent experience across devices and screen sizes. It collects more accurate project location data and provides project management access to all club officers. Users can manage projects from mobile devices and easily share project links in email and on social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn.
In the future, the platform will include a world map of projects, the ability to search for projects by language, and additional resources to help implement projects.
The Service Project Center is a significant asset in Rotary’s effort to engage participants more effectively and increase impact. Users can tell project stories more fully, demonstrating their effectiveness to potential members, partners, and donors. There are more opportunities to provide photos and details, making the project process more transparent and giving members more ways to feel pride in their results.
Rotary members and program participants are improving lives in communities around the world every day through thousands of service projects. Explore the good work that we’re doing locally and globally, and share these projects through social media
New and different club models will attract diverse leaders to Rotary.Rotary clubs continue to demonstrate their value by staying connected to members and responding to changing needs in the community. Read about clubs around the world who are finding ways to adapt to new challenges and meeting online. Clubs and districts can take many approaches to membership growth. Rotary research tells us the most important factor is a club experience that attracts prospective members and engages current ones. A strong identity can help your club offer that kind of experience. The recently updated Club Types, Formats, and Models resource describes the many combinations of experiences that Rotary and Rotaract clubs worldwide are adopting as their club identities. One type of club is a satellite club, which can be started by fewer members and supported by another club. You can learn more about satellite clubs in the updated Guide to Satellite Clubs. Further strategies for membership growth are outlined in the new Strengthening Your Membership guide. The newly updated presentation on The State of Membership covers the latest membership trends and offers sustainable growth ideas. Membership growth also requires us to tell others about Rotary. During Membership and New Club Development Month in August, several experts shared advice on crafting compelling Rotary stories. Read more on the Rotary Voices blog. Please Read more for even more resources......
Many clubs face challenges related to three things: attracting new members, keeping members engaged, and finding meaningful ways to contribute to their communities. Use the Club Planning Assistant to get tailored advice for addressing your club’s challenges. Club leaders, you’ll receive an instant response with links to the resources we recommend to help you address your club’s most pressing challenges. You can then build these suggested strategies into your club’s membership plan.
What is YOUR Plan to Tackle These Challenges: Attracting New Members, Keeping Them Engaged, Finding Ways to Contribute to You Community ?
Just as routine doctor visits help people identify health risks before they become serious, Rotary’s club health check can diagnose problem areas and prescribe remedies. Club leaders will find a checklist to assess their club’s well-being in the areas of club experience, service and social events, members, image, and business and operations, along with an array of resources to treat any problem areas. Regularly consulting those resources can help maintain your club’s health and preserve its value for club members and the community. A few examples follow, but review the entire document through the website listed below to ensure you’re taking full advantage of these valuable tools.
Posted by Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair , District Rotary Foundation Committee
Dear fellow Rotarians in District 7070,
Rotarians in District 7070 have been committed to The Annual Programs Fund of the Rotary Foundation. You should be proud of the difference that Rotary have made in the lives of millions of people throughout the world by the project funded by The Rotary Foundation.
I want to thank you for your past efforts and ask that you recommit to helping us raise funds for The Annual Programs Fund of the Rotary Foundation.
We are inviting you to join our efforts to continue for The Annual Programs Fund of the Rotary Foundation. To become a member of the Paul Harris Society you are asked to commit to making an annual donation of $1000 USD or more to The Annual Programs Fund of the Rotary Foundation.
We hope that with your commitment in joining the Paul Harris Society, we will make a significant difference in our world.
Rotary members provide Basic Education and Literacy to their home communities and communities around the world. Be sure to see the latest issues of the BELRAG newsletter, learn how Rotarians are committed to improving basic education and literacy. See our website for more information: Thank you to Joan Barrett for linking us up with the Newsletters.
Enjoy past Newsletters as you support BEL programs..
Posted by Past District Governor Lars Henriksson, Chair, District 7070 Rotary Foundations Grants Committee
On Saturday, November 16, 2024, some 75 members from 30 Rotary Clubs in District 7070 spent time in Oshawa, learning about the Rotary Foundation and its grants program. Those who attended the program to the end will count towards their Clubs’ qualification for the 2025-26 Rotary year to take part in District and Global Grant project next year.
Clubs that want to apply for Rotary Foundation District or Global Grants must be qualified. District 7070 is requiring interested Clubs to have at least two of its members take the training, which can be either attending the Oshawa workshop or complete the online training, which will be launched March 1, 2025. In addition, the President and President Elect of a Club must submit a signed copy of the MOU – Memorandum of Understanding – to the District......
Posted by Tracy Varvek, Zone 28 and Zone 32 Promotions Team
The Calgary Convention Information session on November 18th was a wonderful event. So many Rotarians joined us! Many have asked for the link to the recording to share with others. It is available here.
We appreciate your questions and have added the links below so you can easily access the details! ......
Here is just one example of the magic of Rotary from past District Governor Ted Morrison:
We started the current Kids Against Hunger by me (with 4 original clubs - the Rotary Clubs of Oshawa, Oshawa-Parkwood, Whitby, and Whitby Sunrise) in 2018 (adding Bowmanville and Ajax this year) . These events have packed 182,736 meals. This is impressive. However, even more impressive. The Ajax Rotary Club started back in 2014 and over the years they have packed 400,032 meals- that is fantastic!! Rotary clubs in our district hosted events dating back to 2012 have packed a whopping 1,307,448 meals.
We all should take pride in the support we have shown as Rotarians for assisting in feeding the people in need around the world. And that's the Magic of Rotary.
It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Joe Runza on 23rd of September 2024, a true champion for those facing cancer. Joe's dedication to supporting oncology patients at Michael Garron Hospital through the Skate-to-Ice-Cancer fundraiser has made a lasting impact on countless lives. His legacy of compassion and community spirit will continue to inspire us all. We invite you to join us for the Annual Skate-to-Ice-Cancer on Thursday, December 19th, 2024, at 9:30 am at the East York Memorial Arena. This event, which Joe founded seven years ago, helps provide short-term direct financial support for oncology patients at Michael Garron Hospital who are in need of assistance for basic living expenses during their treatment.....
For the 16th consecutive year, The Rotary Foundation has received the highest rating — four stars — from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S. The Foundation earned the recognition for adhering to sector best practices and executing its mission in a financially efficient way, demonstrating both strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. “We are delighted to provide the Rotary Foundation with third-party accreditation that validates their operational excellence,” said Michael Thatcher, president and CEO of Charity Navigator. “The Four-Star Rating is the highest possible rating an organization can achieve. We are eager to see the good work that the Rotary Foundation is able to accomplish in the years ahead.”
Charity Navigator analyzes nonprofit performance based on four key indicators, referred to as beacons. Currently, nonprofits can earn scores for the impact and results, accountability and finance, culture and communities, and leadership and adaptability. Charity Navigator is the largest and most utilized independent charity evaluator in the U.S. Since 2001, the organization has been an unbiased and trusted source of information for more than 11 million donors annually.
One year after earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria – the deadliest to hit the region in 80 years – Rotary staffers traveled to Turkey to see the relief efforts for themselves. Listen to the two-part podcast on Rotary Voices.
Posted by Laura Spear, Rotary Zone 32 Public Image Coordinator
Dear District Governors, District Public Image Chairs in Zone 32, and everyone interested in Rotary Public Image,
Here is the monthly Public Image update for November / December:
Brand Center: New resources are always being added to the Brand Center. It should be your single source of truth for brand-compliant logos, brand elements, and templates.
Rotary's Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign has reached millions of Americans through TV, radio, and print ads, with a total donated media value of $38.8 million and counting. Keep the momentum going by expanding PSA distribution in your area, through your own media connections, or by contacting local TV and radio station program directors. Learn more by downloading the How to Work with Media Outlets to Get Coverage for Your Club presentation from Brand Center and accessing the full suite of People of Action PSA campaign assets at the PSA Download Center.
Many members struggle to answer the question, "What is Rotary?" The Learning Center features a course called Promoting Your Club as People of Action. The People of Action narrative provides a simple and consistent answer and rallies us around a single idea.
The Learning Center has launched a new course, The Importance of Eradicating Polio. This course is a great resource for introducing members and your community to Rotary's polio eradication efforts.
The Rotary Foundation has a new thank you video (in Brand Center) for donors. You can share it with clubs or use it in public forums and fundraisers that focus on projects funded through district or global grants. (in Brand Center).
One thing successful clubs have in common is effective goal setting. When club leaders plan for the future, they give the club a sense of direction. Whether you aim to welcome more members, complete more service projects, or improve the experience your club offers members, setting goals motivates members to work toward a common purpose. Rotary Club Central makes it easy for Rotary and Rotaract clubs to plan and track their goals. Club leaders can now set yearly goals for up to three years and record the club’s accomplishments, and all members can view the club’s progress. Plus, future leaders can use past goals to make informed decisions about the club’s direction. It’s never too late to start planning for your club’s future. Visit Rotary Club Central and get started.
Rotary Club Central - The Secret to a Flourishing Club
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada
Please welcome Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. She is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. In 2018 she relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies and is a member of the Rotaract Club of Kingston.
Posted by Bill Empey, Honouring Indigenous People, District Coordinator, Rotary District 7070
Honouring Indigenous Peoples (HIP) continues to celebrate the success of the 2024 National Youth to Youth program in British Columbia. Our District Conference featured two, full breakout sessions highlighting the students and their experience. Many clubs have hosted the students and delighted in their stories. Listen to their excitement on this wonderful video; . See how participants, this year, made new friends, learned first-hand the experience of the elders and enjoyed hands-on opportunities for weaving, dancing and drumming. Returning, they feel a new sense of empowerment and talk about their roles as future leaders..
It is always with great sadness when we loose members of our District 7070 Rotary family. Everyone in District 7070 wants to expresses their deepest sympathies to our extended Rotary family. Please send your notices to Newsletter Editor Dave Andrews at .....
At the Rotary District 7070 Conference , on October 26, Bob Wallace and Jim Louttit announced a new Rotary District 7070 Goal for The Rotary Foundation called "The Magic of Millions". Our goal is to raise, by June 30, 2025, is $1 million . Please appoint an ambassador for your club to help you promote the Magic of Millions . Throughout the year, please encourage your members to donate to : the Annual Programs Fund, the Polio Fund, The Disaster Response Fund and to the Endowment Fund. At the Rotary Foundation Grants Seminar in Oshawa on November 16 , you found out even more how you can help us reach that Magic of Millions.
Help Us Reach Our Rotary District 7070 Magic of Millions Goal by June 30, 2025
We’re writing to address recent media coverage that has misrepresented an unfortunate legal matter. We encourage you to discuss the following information with members of your club who may have questions or concerns.
At the same time, we are actively engaging with Canadian media to clarify these misunderstandings. If a member of the media contacts you regarding this matter, please refer them to Rotary International’s Media Relations Lead Michael VanDam at, so we can ensure clear and consistent communication......
This month is December - Disease Prevention & Treatment Month and here is the "Course of the Month" from the Rotary Learning Center. We are asking YOU to focus on a course that aligns with the theme of the month. We encourage you to take the course so that you have a better understanding and become even more effective in the success of your club. .
Here is the course: The Importance of Eradication Polio: Course description: Eradicating polio is Rotary's top humanitarian priority. Since Rotary and our partners formed the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988, the incidence of wild polio cases has decreased by 99.9%. But polio anywhere in the world puts children everywhere at risk. Learn about why it’s so important that we maintain our efforts to end polio and how you can take action.
Log in to MyRotary , under the Knowledge and Resources tab , scroll down and click on the Learning Center, and View The Rotary Foundation Courses and you will see this course listed there. Click on the course and Enjoy !!
Be sure to Take December's Featured Monthly Learning Course - The Importance of Eradicating Polio
November 14, 2024 was a special day at Queen’s University, Kingston. It was 2024 Queen’s University Kingston Convocation Fall Conferrals.
Our very own Jennifer Jones, Past Rotary International President was conferred a Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and now Dr. Jennifer Jones in recognition for her non-tiring work in making our world a better, safer and just place through Rotary. Gordon Dowsley (from The Rotary Club of Oshawa and Dr. William “Bill” Leggett nominated Jennifer for this prestigious recognition......
Night of A Thousand Dinners – MARCH 6, 2025 - Proceeds to the Canadian Landmine Foundation , Officers' Mess, Colonel R. S. McLaighlin Armoury , 53 Simcoe Street North. SAVE THE DATE : TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE: If you and/or anyone you know might like to participate in this soiree a spot can be saved by E-TRANSFERRING $135 per person to and put one's name followed by NKD so the treasurer (Ron Dick) will know what the money is for. Bar opens at 6 pm. Dinner at 7 pm. Fundraiser for Canadian Landmine Foundation by the Oshawa Rotary Club. Call Gordon Dowsley for tickets, when we have more info available at 905-576-3636 and at . Many Rotary Clubs in Canada support Canadian Landmine Foundation. Join us. See: .....
A Night of a Thousand Dinners - in Oshawa - District 7070 Rotarians are Invited - March 6, 2025 - Support the Canadian Landmine Foundation - TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE
2025 Rotary Rose Parade Committee Float Theme: On The Road With Rotary
Every year, the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee has a viewing audience of over 41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories - Rotary's biggest Public Image event every year . The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats. That's what we call boosting Rotary's public image . Tune into KTLA for the best coverage of the Parade and see the 2025 Rotary Rose Parade Float on January 1, 2025 as early as 10 am (Toronto Time). Read more for the rest of the story ......
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his December 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Did you attend the November 16 Rotary Foundation Grant Qualification Seminar? Please Read more.........
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" November 2024 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in our December 2024 District 7070 Newsletter , Chris and all of the members of the Zone 28 and 32 committees bring holiday greetings . ..
Editor's Note : As soon as Chris' "In The Zone" December 2024 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 December Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her December 2024 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly has been WOWed by the Magic of Rotary stories Rotarians have shared with her, their own Members and visitors. Virginia asks that we all share our Magic of Rotary stories. What a wonderful way to spread awareness for all the good we do as Rotarians ....... .
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's December 2024 Newsletter, Mark asks us to consider giving a gift with an enduring impact, one that extends beyond these holidays, lasting for generations. Gifts to The Rotary Foundation Endowment are extraordinary gifts that create extraordinary change. By supporting Rotary’s Endowment, you help ensure that RI will have the resources it needs to develop and implement sustainable projects today and in the years to come. Mark says, " Our Endowment is only strong when we all support it. Because it is essential to our success, we have set an ambitious goal: to build our Endowment to $2.025 billion in net assets and commitments by June 30, 2025. ".......
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's December 2024 Newsletter, she talks about how having to adapt, as laid out in Rotary’s Action Plan, we must occasionally step out of our comfort zone and try something new. Shoe provides us with two examples of clubs that adapted — one with heart and one through critical thinking and strategy - to engage members and grow membership. Stephanie encourages you to reach out to members of your club and of the community around you. Ask them about the club experience and what you can do to improve. ........
What is your Rotary Club doing to focus your efforts on Disease Prevention and Treatment?
Rotary's top priority is the eradication of polio, but our members take on far greater responsibilities to fight disease. They set up health camps and training facilities in undeveloped countries and in communities struggling with HIV/AIDS and malaria. They also design and build the infrastructure for doctors, nurses, governments, and partners to reach the one in six people in the world who can't afford to pay for healthcare.....
Have you purchased your tickets yet? Performance Date: Sunday, December 08, 2024 , 1:30 pm. Our 7th annual concert, featuring a diverse lineup of artists from across the Durham region in support of Feed the Need in Durham. Presented by the Rotary Clubs of Durham. All Ages. General Admission Seating. Doors 130PM. Show 2PM. Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs in Durham Region.
Planning and anticipation are key during a two-month concert countdown. Start by securing your tickets and marking the concert date on your calendar to ensure you don't miss out. Use this time to familiarize yourself with the artist's latest album and explore their past hits to enhance your concert experience. Consider organizing pre-concert gatherings with friends or fellow fans to build excitement and create lasting memories. Additionally, plan your concert outfit, keeping comfort and venue guidelines in mind. As the date approaches, confirm travel arrangements, whether it’s booking accommodations or planning transportation, to ensure a stress-free arrival. Lastly, keep an eye on the artist's social media channels for any updates or special announcements. Enjoy the countdown and get ready for an unforgettable musical experience!
For over a decade, Feed The Need In Durham has remained at the forefront of Durham Region’s response to food insecurity. Working in partnership with 65 hunger relief programs, hundreds of volunteers, and thousands of community supporters, Feed the Need in Durham distributes 2 million pounds of food each year. With your help, Feed the Need in Durham can provide nutritious meals to thousands of individuals who are experiencing food insecurity.
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his December 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Did you attend the November 16 Rotary Foundation Grant Qualification Seminar? Please Read more.........
Posted by Susan Hunter, Chair District 7070 Rotary Leadership Institute
In a complex, fast-changing world, excellent Rotary club leadership is essential to the future of Rotary. One of the best ways to strengthen your Club is to give your members the tools and skills to be better Rotarians. Rotary Leadership Institute is the solution. This is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians, and it is a great learning experience for newer Rotarians, for your incoming Board of Directors, and for any Rotarian who wants to learn more about Rotary. For the 2024-2025 Rotary year, we are pleased to announce the dates for the Fall and Spring programs. Please REGISTER TODAY. Here is more of the story........
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her November 2024 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly congratulates the Rotary Foundation Walk committee, the World Polio Day Committee, and the District Conference Committee for jobs well done in October. In November, Virginia is continuing club visits and invites us all to attend The District 7070 Rotary Foundation Seminar on November 16th please do so – Clubs need to have two qualified members to apply for a District Grant. ....... .
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" November 2024 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in our November 2024 District 7070 Newsletter as she focuses on The Rotary Foundation ..
Editor's Note : As soon as Chris' "In The Zone" November 2024 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 October Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada
Please welcome Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is looking forward to getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. She is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. In 2018 she relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies last June and is a member of the Rotaract Club of Kingston.
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his November 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Have you Registered for the November 16 Rotary Foundation Grant Qualification Seminar? Please Read more.........
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's November 2024 Newsletter, she talks about the Rotary Foundation and how it helps us transform dreams into reality and how it helps eradicate polio, build peace, and invites us to the Peace Conference in February 2025 in Istanbul. She talks about district grants, global grant , and youth programs . She encourages us all to donate to the Rotary Foundation, and to the Endowment fund in particular, to try and reach the goal of $2.025 billion by June 30, 2025. .......
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's November 2024 Newsletter, Mark asks us to look for ways you and your club can support Foundation-led efforts like polio eradication, disaster response, or the Rotary Peace Centers. He urges us to get involved in global grant or district grant projects. And if you have never had the experience of giving to our Foundation, he invites us to join other Rotary members as a Foundation donor. Our support will mean the world to both Rotary members who want to help and to the individuals and communities who need it. Mark adds, "The Rotary Foundation is not a place or a building. It is an experience, one that lives in our hearts and hands as we do good in the world. The Rotary Foundation is all of us." .......
What is your Rotary or Rotaract Club doing in November 2024 to celebrate and focus on The Rotary Foundation? As the charitable arm of Rotary, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise intoour priorities, such aseradicating polio and promoting peace.Foundationgrantsempower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact. To get ideas how the Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world, please Read more.......
We hope this message finds you well and thriving in your service to our communities! As we continue to inspire and empower the next generation, we are excited to share an incredible opportunity that aligns perfectly with your Rotary values - the Rotary Youth Exchange program.
The Program is more than just an adventure. It’s a transformative experience that fosters international understanding, cultural appreciation, and personal growth. By promoting the Program with our District’s Rotary Clubs, we can provide young people the opportunity to explore a new culture, develop lifelong friendships, and enhance their leadership skills. .....
Posted by Rotary Club of Scarborough Passport President Dr. Raffy Chouljian
Brush-a-mania is a not-for-profit program designed to promote oral health and awareness among young children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6. It was started in 2001 by the Scarborough Rotary Passport Club and has already reached over 650,000 students. Our purpose is to educate and motivate children and to bring together dentists, Rotarians, teachers and parents to create a celebration around proper dental care. Read more about this great project and see how you and your Rotary Club can help next year.....
Each month, we will be featuring 2 courses form the Rotary Learning Center focus that align with the theme of the month and we encourage you to take the courses so that you have a better understanding and become even more effective in the success of your club. This month is November and Rotary Foundation Month.
The courses that we would like yo to take are:
Rotary Foundation Basics: Learn about the work of The Rotary Foundation including grants, programs, and giving opportunities. Take the course quiz to test your knowledge
and The Power of Giving: Our donors’ impact to the Foundation is vital. Learn about the Foundations funds and programs that benefit from your donations.
Log in to MyRotary , under the Knowledge and Resources tab , scroll down and click on the Learning Center, and View The Rotary Foundation Courses and you will see both courses listed there. Enjoy !!
Something NEW - Monthly Learning Courses from Rotary Learning Centre
Posted by Bill Empey, Honouring Indigenous People, District Coordinator, Rotary District 7070
The Third Annual national Youth to Youth program will take place April 27 to May 3, 2025 at Acadia University, Wolfville Nova Scotia, on the traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people. Applications open September 16, close December 20. Application forms will be available on The program is completely free covering all expenses, travel, accommodations and meals. There are limited spots: 50 youth participants, 25 Indigenous and 25 non-Indigenous, aged between 15 and 17. Y2Y welcomes youth, in Grades 9 to 11, all genders and those with disabilities. On January 15th & 16th, Youth will be notified of acceptance into the program.
Posted by Past District Govenror Bob Wallace, District 7070 Disaster Response Chair
Here is a note from Past District Governor Bob Wallace who is also our Disaster Response Coordinator here in District 7070. he has been in touch with Rotarians in the west. As a matter of fact, as you have heard and seen already, the mayor of Jasper, a Rotarian, has lost his home
In response to the tragic Jasper Wildfire, the Rotary District 5370 Charitable Foundation is establishing the Jasper Fire Relief Fund, similar to what we did for the Ft. McMurray Wildfire in 2016.
There are currently several governmental agencies and NGOs working towards providing immediate relief to the residents of Jasper affected by this wildfire. Unlike these, our fire relief fund is intended to provide community agencies with funding to help rebuild the very necessary programs in the longer term after the fire. Grants from the fund will be disbursed to organizations offering programing related to mental health, sports, food supply, social programs and the many other necessities of a healthy community.
Donations to our Ft. McMurray Fire Relief Fund exceeded $1 million and we were able to assist over a dozen community agencies in rebuilding after that fire. With your help, we are hoping to see significant donations to the Jasper Fire Relief Fund. All donations qualify for a charitable receipt for tax purposes. Here's how to Donate.....
Congratulations to the Rotary Clubs of Oshawa-Parkwood and Oshawa and the World Polio Day Committee for hosting the 6th annual World Polio Day Live from the Rotary Global Classroom at Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario Canada on October 18, 2024, on behalf of all 10 of the Durham Region Rotary Clubs where we will celebrated World Polio Day with leaders from around the world, hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Oshawa and Oshawa-Parkwood, and Durham College. We watched Stephanie Urchick (Rotary International President 2024-25) and Mark Maloney (Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation 2024-25), Michael McGovern, Rotary’s International Polio Plus Chair who provided an update and our job ahead. he also was part of the distinguished panel that included Jennifer Jones (Rotary International President 2022-23), Valarie Wafer (Rotary International Director 2020-22, Rotary International Vice-President in 2021-22 and our very own Past District 7070 Governor 2013-14) and Dr Tunji Funsho (Member of the Rotary International PolioPlus Committee and member of the WHO Africa Region). The panel will answered questions and updated all of us about Rotary's efforts with our Global Polio Eradication initiative Partners to End Polio Now. be sure to see the photos in the photo ablub on the District 7070 website.
Watch the Recording of the Oct 18, 2024 - LIVE Broadcast of World Polio Day from Durham College
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Newmarket's Laura Bradford and her committee for hosting an outstanding Rotary District 7070 Foundation Walk on October 6, 2024 at Fairy Lake, in Newmarket. Great walk, great fellowship with new and old friends and lots of funds raised by all of our clubs for the Rotary Foundation. Please check out the Photo album on the District 7070 website. Lots of friends and family. And Rotary Youth Exchange students too. Be sure to get your donations in to the Rotary Foundation. Use these forms to help make that donation:
Economic and Community Development is one of the Seven Areas of Focus that Rotary has asked all clubs to focus on, especially in October.
What is your club doing? If you are looking for ideas , or wish Chair Khalid Hasan to speak to your club, please contact our very own District 7070 Areas of Focus Action Committee: Community Economic Development. Chair - Khalid Hasan, Rotary Club of North York Email: Phone: (647) 537-2444
The Rotary Clubs of Whitby-Sunrise and the Rotary Club of Etobicoke unveilled Peace Poles to recognize September 21 as the International Day of Peace. A Peace Pole is a monument that displays the message May Peace Prevail On Earth in the language of the country where it is placed. It usually displays 3 to 7 additional languages meaningful to the host site. The message is referred to as an affirmation of peace and its placement furthers Rotary's goal of building a culture of peace throughout the world.
Please Read more to find out about the unveillings.....
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her September 2024 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly talks about her visit to the Rotary Club of Belleville and finding new ideas (take a look at one that she found). Virginia reminds us that September is Basic Education and Literacy Month and urges us to find projects to share with your club. The Jasper Fire fund still needs our help. She asks us to register for the District Conference in October, the Rotary Foundation Walk in Newmarket and she asks us to book a date that she can come to your club for her official visit. She has asked us to make the Magic of Rotary come alive with every project we work on, every donation we make, every time we collaborate to improve the lives and conditions of the people in our communities, both local and globally ....... .
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" September 2024 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in the September 2024 District 7070 Newsletter as she focuses on Basic Education and Literacy and project Amigo. Take a look...
Editor's Note : When Chris' "In The Zone" September 2024 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 September Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's September 2024 Newsletter, Mark talks about the Rotary Foundation Endowment that will leave behind a legacy and further the work of future generations of Rotary members. Mark says, "No single club or district alone will achieve our goal of fortifying The Rotary Foundation Endowment to $2.025 billion by 2025. Not all of us can give $25,000 now or as part of an estate plan. But I also know many of us can. Please help us reach that Endowment goal and in doing so leave behind a legacy and further the work of future generations of Rotary members ". .......
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's September 2024 Newsletter, she talks about visiting her ancestor's home town in Slovakia, how she was welcomed and found a relative too. Stephanie says, " Sitting in that community center listening to traditional Slovakian music from my childhood filled me with joy and a profound sense of belonging. I am so grateful to District Governor Cechova and everyone who helped create that magical experience. As members of Rotary, we have a unique opportunity to share the same magic with each other and with the world. I encourage you to consider how you can help spread that magic and ensure other members of your club — other members of our Rotary family — feel like they truly belong....
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his September 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Please Read more.........
What is your Rotary Club doing to support this important Rotary Foundation Area of Focus?
Basic education and literacy is one of The Rotary Foundation’s seven areas of focus. We know that basic education and literacy are essential for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace. ......
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada
Please welcome Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is looking forward to getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. She is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. In 2018 she relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies last June and is a member of the Rotaract Club of Kingston.
Posted by Lynda Ryder, District 7070 Protection Officer
Here is a letter from Lynda Ryder, our District 7070 Protection Officer:
District 7070 places great emphasis on their work with people in the community, including children, young people, and other vulnerable persons through Rotary’s many programs This volunteer effort is vital to the quality of life in our communities and to the good reputation of Rotary and Rotarians.
Rotary International District 7070 is committed to protecting the safety and well being of all our program participants and will not tolerate their abuse or harassment. For more information on our district policy, please see ROTARY INTERNATIONAL District 7070 POLICY FOR PREVENTION OF ABUSE AND HARASSMENT. ...
Rotary and Rotaract clubs are encouraged to partner with local Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs on a project that will have a long-term impact in their community. (Use the club finder tools to locate Kiwanis, Lions and Optimist clubs near you.) To get started, work with local social service organizations or government officials to learn what your community needs and how you can plan the most effective project.
Tell your neighbors — and us — about your joint service project by posting on social media with #CelebrateCommunity.
We can do more when we work together. Let’s harness the collective power of our four organizations’ 3.4 million members and Celebrate Community together.
Posted by Laura Spear, Rotary Zone 32 , Public Image Coordinator
Here is Laura Spear's letter to District Public Image Chairs. It is filled with lots of tips and reminders. We are pleased to be able to share it with you: ..... Please read more.....
Posted by Massimo Ballotta, Rotary coordinator for Zone 14 and member of the Rotary Club of Feltre, Italy
People used to see my Rotary pin and ask me, “What is Rotary?” To be honest, I didn’t always have a quick answer. This is a problem, because surveys tell us that we only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention and make an impression. I made it a goal to find a way to more successfully motivate people who approached me asking questions about our organization. I reached back into my experience to find stories and moments that had inspired me, and that had stirred up my emotions. These Rotary moments are what transformed me from a routine member of my club into a full-blown Rotarian. I became excited about the friendships I have made and the positive lasting change that I can make in my community.....
Find examples of the many different ways Rotary and Rotaract members are bringing flexibility and innovation to their clubs in the recently updated Club Types, Formats, and Models resource.....
Posted by Mary Shackleton, District 7230 Endowment/Major Gifts subcommittee chair
Do you have an answer ready if you are asked, Why Rotary? Even seasoned Rotary members struggle to answer this seemingly basic question if we’re honest with ourselves, especially when speaking with prospective members. We inundate prospects with lists of what we do and proud accounts of how we do it, instead of helping them figure out why they might want to check out our next club meeting or service project in the first place........
Sangkoo Yun, a member of the Rotary Club of Sae Hanyang, Seoul, Korea, is the selection of the Nominating Committee or President to become Rotary International’s president for 2026-27. Yun will .officially become the nominee on September 15 if no other candidates challenge him. Read more about Yun......
Look what Rotarian Bob Wallace saw on one of his historic vehicle journeys this summer, in Grand Bend, Ontario. This is a new community service clubs sign . Note that there are no times or dates mentioned, Clubs are changing those all the time. People can "google" the club that they have in mind ton find out when and where they meet. The big take-away is the Rotary Logo. Neat and clean looking. Not just the wheel It spells to the public that we are "Rotary". Note the other signs. When driving at 50 km/hr, we see Rotary. The others are just logos. If you have the opportunity to make a change to the service clubs sign in your community, please do so. Thank you.
Posted by Lars Henriksson, Past District 7070 Governor and District Grants Chair
The Rotary Foundation requires Rotary and Rotaract Clubs that want to apply for Global and District Grants to be qualified EVERY YEAR. Clubs are qualified when two of its members have successfully completed the two on-line quizzes connected to the training modules. In addition, the President and President Elect of Clubs must sign and submit the MOU – Memorandum Of Understanding to the District. The qualification is valid for one Rotary year. All documents for the 2024-25 Rotary year are posted under the Rotary Foundation tab on the District’s website, For any questions, please contact PDG Lars Henriksson, District Grants Sub-Committee Chair at
REMEMBER: To qualify, a Club must have at least two of its members complete the qualification process. In addition, the Club must submit an MOU to the District, signed by the President and President Elect. Please Read more for details.............
Aug 29, 2024 12:00 PM in This session will be in English with Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish interpretation. During this 45-minute webinar, we will: · Review the current state of our membership as of 1 July 2024 · Discuss recent research findings from the all-member surveys · Share ideas about how club and district leaders (YOU!) are improving the club experience for members. All ideas generated will be shared with everyone who registers. Register here.
Register NOW for Rotary International's State of Membership Webinar on August 29
Here is the recording of the 3 Actions to impact Public Image: It is also available (with slides) on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website.
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation offer several awards to recognize members, nonmembers, alumni, and Rotary clubs for their contributions and impact. Rotary’s Service Awards reference sheet, a new resource, lists many awards and includes information about nominations, eligibility criteria, and due dates, as well as images of several awards.
Celebrate People of Action with Rotary’s Service Awards
The Sylvia Whitlock Leadership Award honors one Rotary member each year, regardless of gender or length of Rotary membership, for actively working to advance women in Rotary. The award was established by a group of Rotarians in 2017 and is named for the first female Rotary club president, who went on to lead change for women and girls around the world through Rotary. Any member can nominate another member in good standing for this award during August. Write to with questions.
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's August 2024 Newsletter, she says that if we are to change the word with the magic of Rotary, we must foster a sense of belonging in our club. She provides examples of how clubs have used the Rotary Action plan and made changes and how they even asked their members what they expect form their club experience. She adds, "Clubs become simply irresistible when all members feel that they are exactly where they need to be. To me, belonging is the spark that ignites The Magic of Rotary.".........
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her August 2024 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly talks about her July visits to the Etobicoke Ribfest and their citizenship ceremony on Canada Day, and her visit to Toronto Danforth Rotary 9th installation dinner. She asks us to focus on membership during August (Rotary's Membership and New Club Development Month). Virginia also talked about the Rotary Action Plan and its 4 strategic priorities, and urged us to register for the Oct 25 to 27 District Conference , to set our club goals in Rotary Club Central, and to plan when you want Virginia to attend your club on her official visit. ....... .
During a breakout session at the 2024 Rotary International Convention titled What Members Want: Crafting a Great Club Experience, people were given 15 seconds to share their ideas on how to create an incredible club experience for their members. They mentioned creative and effective ways to make meetings more enjoyable, improve member confidence in club leaders, offer service opportunities that make a difference, and prioritize time for members to connect. Share your own success story with us.
What Members Want: Crafting a Great Club Experience
Membership and New Club Development Month in August is an ideal time to focus on creating a meaningful club experience. One step toward this is by getting to know your members better. And you can do that by sharing your Rotary story and listening to theirs. Sharing our stories creates bridges between our own experiences and those of others. It helps us find connections, empathize with other people’s circumstances, and understand and appreciate different perspectives....
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" August 2024 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in the August 2024 District 7070 Newsletter as she focuses on giving the gift of membership. and starting new clubs, engaging our club members and expanding our reach.
Editor's Note : When Chris' "In The Zone" August 2024 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 August Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his August 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Find out how.........
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's August 2024 Newsletter, Mark talks about the connection between members and The Rotary Foundation , during Rotary's membership and new Club Development Month. He notes that new members realize that their club is part of a powerful organization that makes lasting change in the world and they learn about and support the Foundation. he is asking all Rotary members to remember this month’s goal for what he calls Mark’s Magical Markers: Please make the personal commitment to contribute what you can to the Annual Fund by 31 August. Do it right now, before you forget, at While you are there, set up a recurring direct donation.......
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada
Please welcome Ally Buck, the Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is looking forward to getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. She is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. In 2018 she relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies last June.
August is Membership and New Club Development Month, when Rotary Clubs, around the world focus on membership in Rotary. Does your club have a plan? Are you executing your own plan to invite your friends and business associates to join your Rotary Club and keep them engaged? It’s time. Time to celebrate your Rotary club, your members, and the good you do in your community and around the world. Tell everyone and ask them to join.
There are many ways to join in the celebration, but here are a few activities to get you started:
Say it loud, say it proud! Let everyone in your social network know that you are a proud member by changing your Twitter and Facebook profile to the I’m a Proud Member, I’m a Proud Rotaractor, or I am a Proud Interactorgraphic. Copy and save the graphic as your profile picture for August.
We Are Rotary. Using the hashtag #WeAreRotary, post photos to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Vine of your club members at work in your community or abroad to show how Rotary makes a positive impact in the world.
Making a difference. Rotary clubs are known for the high-impact service projects they undertake locally and globally. Share stories about your service projects and how they improve lives on Rotary Showcase. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see what Rotary members around the world are doing to celebrate Membership Month.
What does Rotary mean to you? Rotary members have pushed polio to the brink of eradication, delivered clean water to those in need, improved their local communities, provided scholarships to the next generation of peacemakers, and continued to do good in the world......
It’s not too early to begin preparing your concept note for a Programs of Scale grant. Concept notes were due 1 August 2024 for the 2025 Programs of Scale grant competition. For the next award cycle, Programs of Scale proposals must include a minimum of US$500,000 in cash contributions from one or more external program partners. Register for these webinars to learn more about the process:
Past District Governor Mike Cooksey once told me that if you want more Rotary members, you have to ask. He told every Rotarian he saw to "Get your Ask in Gear". His words certainly reflect one of the District 7070 Action Plans. Our goal is to receive 100 inquires from the "Join Us" or "Interested In Joining Us?" button on the District 7070 Website. Here is our challenge to your club: By the end of this Rotary year we want over 45 Rotary Clubs have a "Join Us" or "Interested In Joining Us?" button on their own club website AND for your club to have a "member conversion process" from these inquiries. It's up to you.
To see how we have done , Please Read more........
Rotary members are committed to creating lasting change – a commitment that’s evident in Rotary’s response to disaster relief. More than a year ago, a powerful earthquake devastated parts of Turkey and Syria and killed more than 55,000 people. Since then, Rotary has delivered more than US$4 million in aid to affected communities. During a recent visit, 2023-24 RI President R. Gordon R. McInally noted how Rotary’s relief efforts and funding continue to create hope in the region. Read more about how Rotary is providing for immediate and long-term needs.
Rotaractors now have access to Rotary Club Central — Rotary’s free and easy-to-use goal planning and tracking platform. Club leaders can use the tool to add and track goals, while club members can track their club’s progress. Rotaract clubs can also earn this year’s Rotaract Club Excellence Award (formerly the Rotary Citation*) by entering their goals directly into Rotary Club Central.
It’s not too late to start planning your club’s future. Determine what your club wants to achieve and then go to Rotary Club Central ( to set annual goals that can help your club reach its vision.
*Immediate past officers: still have the details from your paper form? You can also log in, switch back to 2023-24 and enter your goals and achievements to help add to your club's historical data!
Attention Rotaractors - Are YOU Using Rotary Club Central? It's NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU
Posted by Programs and Engagement staff, Rotary International
Rotary and Rotaract clubs can get more done when we partner with outside organizations and use our combined strengths to increase our impact. But how do you get organizations to work with your club? RI’s Service and Engagement staff members recently compiled 10 tips to help club leaders find and secure partners, including these:
Commit to bold ideas.
Use the district resource network and other experts to refine your ideas.
Start with a small project and collect data to prove your concept to large donors, nonprofits, and government agencies that can help scale up your initiative.
Stephanie A. Urchick, 2024-25 Rotary International president, is asking district and club leaders to focus on peace this year and build on Rotary’s long history of peacebuilding. Connect with others who are committed to this cause at the 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference, Healing in a Divided World. Urchick will lead this special one-time event in Istanbul, Türkiye, 20-22 February. Topics will include peace in a polarized world; making peace last; technology, media, and peacebuilding; and environmental issues in peacebuilding. The conference will also recognize the launch of our newest Rotary Peace Center, in partnership with Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul. Learn more.
RI President Stephanie A. Urchick Promotes Peace Conference - Feb 20-22, 2025 in Turkiye
“We Are Rotary” and “Vaccinating Every Child Under Five,” two new radio ads that show the public who we are and what we do, are now available in the Brand Center. You can download the ads in various formats for your promotional campaigns. “We Are Rotary” shows how our members solve problems and address community needs and invites others to take action with us. “Vaccinating Every Child Under Five” publicizes the effectiveness of vaccines and the steadfast work Rotary and our partners do to eradicate polio. To get both, go to the Brand Center and search for radio ads.
Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. We send it out to all active Rotarians and post it on to our District Facebook page. We ask that you share this letter and keep our entire Rotary family and friends informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for even more of the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Send In Your Stories and Photos for the Next Edition:
Please send your Rotary Club stories (deadline is always 4 days prior to the end of the month) to our District Public Image Chair, Dave Andrews at
A suggestion to the District Leadership Team, Assistant Governors and Committee Chairs : Send in a story about what your committee is doing and tell our clubs how they can connect with you.
A suggestion to 2024-25 Club Presidents: There is a place in the Newsletter for News from Clubs. What have you accomplished that you would like to announce to everyone in the District?
Posted by Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President 2024-25
In President Stephanie Urchick's July 2024 Message, she talks about fostering a sense of inclusion and belonging in our clubs, Rotary's Action Plan, expanding our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, peacebuilding, the new peace centre at Bahcesehir, and the Feb 20-22, 2025 Presidential Peace Conference. She reminds us that we’re not going to bring peace to the world, end polio, or grow membership by waving a wand and saying some funny words. It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member inducted.........
Posted by Christine Etienne, Rotary International Director , Zones 28 & 32
To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32, the current newsletter has been transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Look for the "In The Zone" July 2024 video from Christine Etienne, our Rotary International Director, in the July 2024 District 7070 Newsletter as they focus on ..
When Chris' "In The Zone" July 2024 video is available, it will be inserted into the District 7070 July Newsletter that appears on our Rotary District 7070 website and also on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website . ....... Please Read more...
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly , District 7070 Governor , 2024-254
In her July 2024 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly talks about how honoured she is to follow a line of District Governors who continue to make a difference in the world, and pleased to serve as District Governor for Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick, with her theme "the Magic of Rotary" which is all of us, creating Magic, as we take part in and complete so many projects locally and internationally, and polio eradication in particular. She encourages us to make our clubs irresistible and share Rotary with more people. She is looking forward to meeting everyone on her official visits to our clubs, and encourages all of us to register today for a fabulous District Conference in October at the Nottawasaga Inn in Alliston....... .
Virginia O'Reilly, Rotary Club of Toronto East, has been selected as the Rotary International District 7070 District Governor for 2024-2025.Congratulations Virginia.
Let's Meet Virginia ........Please Read More ......
What Is your Rotary Club doing to focus on Maternal and Child Health in July 2024 ?Every day mothers risk their lives giving birth and millions of children die each year from treatable, preventable causes.At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, we provide immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improve access to essential medical services, and support trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Your Rotary projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs. Here is a challenge to your Rotary Club........
Posted by Iosif Ciosa, Past District Governor and District 7070 Learning Chair
Welcome to your Rotary District 7070 Learning in the 2024-25 Rotary year. The District 7070 Learning committee is bringing all learning sessions under one umbrella.
The learining sessions (events) on the district website are one colour – red
A form to be used by our District Committees when putting together a training/learning session to tell you all about the learning session. This form (see the attached form in the next story in this newsletter) will be sent to Iosif and to Bob Wallace posting on to the District website
We have also created a NEW section in the Monthly District Newsletter that will show the learning session in the upcoming month
District Governor Virginia O'Reilly will also add any learning sessions to his weekly message.
Please Read more to see just some of the future learning sessions already planned for YOU....
It is always with great sadness when we loose members of our District 7070 Rotary family. Everyone in District 7070 wants to expresses their deepest sympathies to our extended Rotary family. Please send your notices to Newsletter Editor Dave Andrews at .....
Posted by Mark Daniel Maloney, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2024-25
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Mark Daniel Maloney's July 2024 Newsletter, Mark talks about the Rotary Foundation being the engine that drives Rotary and it is you an I and our 1.4 million members that make The Rotary Foundation powerful. He reminds us that it it you are who are members of Rotary, are also part of the Rotary Foundation that implements global grants to build sustainable systems for clean water and sanitation where there are none. You and I help train peacebuilders in a world plagued by unrest. And through supporting the Foundation, you and I help people rebuild their lives after natural disasters. He asks us to remember that magic doesn’t happen on its own, which is why mark is counting on our support and engagement this year. To accomplish more good throughout the world, the Foundation trustees have set an ambitious fundraising goal of $500 million for 2024-25. Achieving this goal will require the support of everyone reading this message. It will also help us reach our goal of building the Endowment Fund to $2.025 billion by 2025. Mark has developed "Mark’s Magical Markers" — a set of specific targets to help us achieve our overall goals. The first Magical Marker focuses on personal commitment, particularly to the Annual Fund, which supports the grants, scholarships, and vocational training teams that make the magic happen. Please contribute what you can to the Annual Fund no later than August 31, 2024. (to be continued) .......
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Current Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his July 2024 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set and meet their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund, the PolioPlus Fund, the Disaster Response Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. Are you a member of the Paul Harris Society OR the PolioPlus Society? Find out how.........
Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is The Magic of Rotary and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives. “Don’t misunderstand me – we are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand and saying some funny words,” Urchick told incoming district governors at the Rotary International Assembly on January 8, 2024. “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member.”
Rotary International President Elect Stephanie Urchick Announces her 2024-25 Presidential Theme - Plus Links to the Key Speeches from the International Assembly - NOW Available
Posted by Ally Buck, Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada
Please welcome Ally Buck, the new Rotary and Community Fundraising Coordinator with ShelterBox Canada. She is looking forward to getting to know the Rotary Clubs and Rotarians that support ShelterBox. She is originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia where she attended the Nova Scotia Community College’s Social Services/Community Development program. In 2018 she relocated to Kingston, Ontario to attend Queen’s University where she graduated with her BA in Global Development Studies last June.
Posted by Shauna Moore, Chair , Rotary District 7070 D E I Committee
Members of the Rotary family (and their friends and family!) walked in a spirit of celebration and inclusion in the Pride Toronto Parade today, June 30, 2024!
Our participation is more than just a celebration of Rotary's commitment to and action on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is a message of support to people around the world, including in our own organization, who cannot fully be and express who they are without fear of discrimination, violence, imprisonment, and even death.
Thank you to Shauna Moore and her Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Rotary District 7070 Committee for making this possible.
For a better understanding of Rotary’s trademarks and wordmarks, take the new “Using Rotary’s Trademarks” course in the Learning Center (but first log into My Rotary, then type "Using Rotary's Trademarks" in the search bar). The course uses specific examples to explain how your club, district, or other Rotary entity can correctly use Rotary names and trademarks. After taking this course, you’ll have more confidence using Rotary’s trademarks when you plan events, promote your club, and create branded merchandise.
Starting in November, all Rotary member pins sold by licensed vendors will feature current Rotary branding. Members can still wear the old “Legacy Emblem” logo pins, but won’t be able to buy them. The Legacy Emblem’s retirement is an ideal opportunity for clubs and districts to review their logos and promotional materials to ensure the correct logo and logo lockups are being used. Visit the Brand Center to ensure your club is using the Rotary logo and logo lockups correctly. Access Your Logos and graphics.
Visit the Brand Center - Ensure your club is using the Rotary logo and logo lockups correctly
The Rotary Club Excellence Award (formerly Rotary Citation) is the most important award for Rotary clubs. It recognizes clubs that pursue activities that support organizational priorities. The number of clubs that can earn this award is unlimited. A newly chartered club is not precluded from earning this award.
Nomination process: A club officer selects at least 50% of the club goals in Rotary Club Central, achieves them with the club during the year, and reports the achievement in Rotary Club Central.
Nomination period: Club officers set and achieve goals during their Rotary year. The achievement of the goals must be reported in Rotary Club Central by 30 June, 2025.
Eligibility criteria: Clubs must be in good financial standing, meaning they must pay both dues invoices and any balances in full within 60 days of receiving the invoice. Club must also show they have achieved at least 50% of the goals in Rotary Club Central. Even if clubs achieve these goals, they aren’t eligible if their achievement isn’t reported by 30 June.
Award type: Electronic certificate
NEW For 2024-25 - ROTARY CLUB EXCELLENCE AWARD (Replaces The Rotary Citation)
Podcasts have soared in popularity in the last decade in part because they provide opportunities for unfiltered connection and community-building. The global audience for podcasts is expected to reach 504 million listeners this year, almost double what it was in 2019, and the “Rotary Voices” podcast is part of this remarkable growth. Since its debut in May 2022, Rotary Voices has reached 250,000 listens and features interviews with thought leaders, Rotary news updates, and “read-alouds” from Rotary magazine. The podcast is a great way to engage others in Rotary and raise awareness and understanding of what we do. We encourage you to listen wherever you get your podcasts and to share episodes with colleagues, friends, and Rotary participants.
Rotary International is proud to announce the launch of the Service Project Center, a dynamic and feature-rich hub for all service projects. In the coming months, it will replace Rotary Showcase as the place to publicize club projects to members. Service Project Center will streamline processes, improve functionality, and provide better tools for managing your projects. Use it to make an even more significant impact in your communities. Learn more about the Service Project Center. .....
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick , joined Rotary Club of Scarborough President Nevine Yassa, at their regular weekly meeting for a candid sit down question and answer session, just 7 days before Stephanie takes over as president of Rotary international. We could ask her anything we wanted. It truly was a unique interactive opportunity to engage with Stephanie in real-time, as we asked her questions, share insights, and delved into the magic of Rotary. Stephanie Urchick, a dedicated member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA, will assume the role of RI President in 2024-25 on July 1, 2024. It was quite an afternoon of dialogue and discovery as we conversed with Stephanie Urchick, delving into her vision for Rotary's future and exploring the transformative power of service. Stephanie brought with her a wealth of experience and a passion for service that has shaped Rotary's global impact. With her theme "The Magic of Rotary," Stephanie invited us to explore the transformative power of service and community engagement. The recording is now on the Rotary District7070 You Tube Page......
Rotary and UNICEF observed a momentous milestone on 31 January: Rotary’s cumulative support to UNICEF reached US$1 billion. This successful partnership has worked to reduce polio cases by 99.9% since 1988 and remains committed to continuing efforts to make the world polio-free. UNICEF issued a video thanking Rotary’s 1.4 million members for their dedication to eradicating polio. Use this video to share with prospective members and the public the kind of work Rotary members do around the world!
The Brand Center features two new radio ads that tell the public who we are and what we do. The “We Are Rotary” ad highlights how Rotary members solve problems and address community needs and invites others to take action with us. The “Vaccinating Every Child Under Five” ad reminds your community of the effectiveness of vaccines and the steadfast work to eradicate polio by Rotary and our partners. Consider asking radio stations in your community to air them! Download the ads.
Start planning your 2024 World Polio Day event. Use the event guide in the Brand Center to help your club plan a successful event.
Forward this email to other members in your club. Encourage people to subscribe to the End Polio Now newsletter and thank those who have already done so! To opt in to the newsletter, people can sign in to My Rotary and select MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS on the Newsletters page.
After World Immunization Week, End Polio Now Coordinator Bob Taylor wrote a post emphasizing the importance of organizations like Rotary in championing vaccination efforts. Through shared responsibility and collective action, he says, we can end polio for good.
The announcement on 12 April 1955 that Dr. Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine was safe, effective, and potent showed that polio eradication was a possibility and cemented Salk’s legacy. His son, Dr. Peter Salk, is the president and director of the Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation as well as a professor of infectious diseases and microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. Rotary magazine recently spoke with him to discuss immunizations and polio eradication.
Since1988, when Rotary and UNICEF became two of the founding partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, The Rotary Foundation has donated US$1 billion to UNICEF — a milestone celebrated at an event in New York City in January. To mark the occasion, Rotary magazine interviewed UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell about what that funding supports, why Rotary and UNICEF make great partners, and what’s ahead for polio eradication.
Swift action and improved surveillance ended the spread of wild poliovirus type 1 in Malawi and Mozambique. An expert team that performed thorough assessments recommends officially declaring the outbreak to be over — a huge victory in the effort against polio in Africa.
The last case of wild poliovirus type 1 in the World Health Organization’s African Region, linked to a strain circulating in Pakistan, was reported in Mozambique’s Tete Province in August 2022. Nine cases overall were detected in Mozambique and neighboring Malawi, where the outbreak was declared in February 2022.
In response to the outbreak, more than 50 million children received vaccinations to shield them from the virus. This successful coordinated effort underscores the power of collaboration and the need for a timely response in safeguarding communities against infectious diseases.
Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation offer several awards to recognize members, nonmembers, alumni, and Rotary clubs for their contributions and impact. The new Rotary’s Service Awards reference sheet lists the many Rotary awards and includes information about nominations, eligibility criteria, due dates, and images of the awards.
Congratulations to Nevine Yassa, President of the Rotary Club of Scarborough, Chair of Rotary District 7070's Peace and Conflict Prevention Committee, Chair of Rotary District 7070's Peace Symposium (held this year as a LIVE broadcast from the Rotary Global Classroom at Durham College, in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada), and representative to the Rotary International Inter-Country Committee. This prestigious award was resented to Nevine, by Past Rotary International President Wilf Wilkinson, for her efforts to promote a culture of peace in our District, in Ontario, in Canada and throughout the world.
Posted by Bob Wallace, Chair , Rotary District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
Be sure join us for the recording of a "Not to Miss" Event - The Rotary Foundation Learning Tuesdays on June 18 with keynote speaker, Michael McGovern, Chair of Rotary International's Polio Plus Committee. Mike gave us an update, and a look at the next steps involved with polio eradication. He talked about the ongoing funding and our future needs to eradicate polio. .
We then heard about another important program, supported by The Rotary Foundation when we heard from Vyana McIntyre, a Global Grant Scholar. We heard how the Scholarship has affected her and her future plans.
We will had 15 minutes of great questions and answers about these two programs and anything regarding The Rotary Foundation.....
During their recent trip to Rotary International headquarters, the 2024-25 Rotary District 7070 Presidents , along with 2024-25 District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly, went to the grave and memorial of Rotary International Founder Paul Harris, in Mount Hope Cemetery in Chicago, Illionos. Along the walkway leading to the grave, there is the Presidential Walkway, containing plaques of each of the Rotary International Presidents. This year, they proudly had installed the plaque of Rotary District 7070's Wilf Wilkinson, Rotary International President in 2007-08, from Trenton, Ontario Canada. Here are some of the photos, taken by Rotary Club of Scarborough member Sonya Chouljian .....
Here are some photos of our District Governor John , which included many of his own photo memories, that he chose to share with us all year. I am sure they will bring back some pleasant memories of a job well done. Thank you District Governor John Burns. ....
Our new District Governor Virginia O'Reilly ended the Ceremonies, and made her closing remarks, one last time as District Governor Elect, by thanking John for his outstanding Rotary year. In her own words, here's Virginia........... Please Read more .....
As you may recall, the Changeover takes place by way of exchanging Rotary Pins. This year, we got the real thing , LIVE at the Royal Canadian Legion in Whitby on June 20, 2024
District Governor John Burns presented the Dr. Bob Scott Disease Prevention and Treatment Award to Debbie Morgan (Rotary Club of Whitby-Sunrise), at the weekly club meeting on June 25, 2024.Congratulations to Debbie Morgan. Here is what she said, "I was completely shocked to be honoured with the Doctor Bob Scott award at our year end President night by District Governor John Burns for the work we do in the community, changing the lives of individuals who need much needed medical equipment. I have a team of individuals that help make this work happen. They are my hero’s!"
District Governor John Burns presented Rotary Foundation Awards to Rotary Clubs in District 7070 who have made outstanding donations to the Rotary Foundation and to the Foundation's Annual Programs Fund and the PolioPlus Fund this year.
Past District Governor John Burns and the District Governor Team hosted the annual District Govern Changeover Ceremony and Awards Presentations for more than 130 Rotarians and Rotaractors and their spouses from all over District 7070, on June 20, 2024 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Whitby, as Past District Governor John recognized many clubs, Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors for their outstanding contributions to Rotary during this year.......
District Governor John Burns and the District Governor Team hosted the annual District Govern Changeover Ceremony and Awards Presentations for more than 80 Rotarians and Rotaractors and their spouses from all over District 7070, on June 20, 2024 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Whitby. District Governor John Burns, District Governor Elect Virginia O'Reilly and District Governor Nominee Niecy Dillon-Tyrovolas recognized many Rotarians, Interactors and Rotaractors and their clubs for their outstanding contributions to Rotary during this year.......
Stephanie Urchick is a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA. She will serve Rotary International as president in 2024-25. She has been an Rotary International director and Rotary Foundation trustee. She has served RI in numerous capacities, including as training leader, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, and RI president’s representative. In addition, Stephanie was a representative and member-at-large to three sessions of the Council on Legislation. ......
Rotary District 7070 2023-24 Year End Celebration!!!!!
June 20, 2024
Welcome to the Special Edition Year-End Celebration Edition of the 2023-24 District 7070 Newsletter.
The 2023-24 Awards Presentations and the District Governor Changeover Ceremony were held on June 20, 2024, at the Royal Canadian Legion in Whitby.. Over 80 Rotarians and Rotaractors, and lots of friends of Rotary from all over the District attended the event. Here are just some of the highlights....