Our News

In her February 2025 Newsletter, District 7070 Governor Virginia O'Reilly reminds us that February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Month and asks us to promote peace in our day-to -day interactions. She talks about supporting peace fellows and the Rotary Peace Centres. She asks us to Share the Magic of Rotary by inviting others to join us and share the positive peace impact with them . We can learn even more about the impact of Rotary at the Rotary International Convention in Calgary this June. Virginia announced the nomination of Tina Martin as District Governor Nominee Designate and following 14 days to allow for challenges, Tina will fill that important position.   .......      .  

Learn about all the Youth Service initiatives offered in District 7070 and how you and your Club can engage youth in your community.

Who should attend: All Cub Presidents, President Elects, Youth Service Directors and all members interested in the numerous youth service initiatives offered in District 7070.

Learning Objective: Youth Service in District 7070 Engagement of youth in your community. How you and your Club can involve youth in Rotary?

Learn all about the Youth Services available in District 7070. They include:  Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium (RYLS); Interact; Rotaract; Honouring Indigenous Peoples Youth to Youth Program ; and Rotary Youth Exchange.

Register TODAY on the District Calendar . 

Empowering young leaders to develop new skills and take action. The D7070 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium gathers youth ranging from ages 16 to 20 for an immersive program focused on diversity, leadership, and action.  The 2025 dates are  April 10-13, 2025 at Ganaraska Forest Centre. we are accepting applications now until March 1, 2025. The cost is $399/participant, only $14 increase over last year - a great price point!

I have the honour and pleasure of announcing that Tina Martin of the Rotary Club of Markham Sunrise has been selected by District 7070  to serve as District Governor for the Rotary year 2027-28.  Tina has been selected by the Nominating Committee and her selection has passed the period for any challenges (midnight Feb 9th, 2025). 

Please join me in congratulating Tina on being selected to the role of DGND (District Governor Nominee Designate).   I hope that you will support Tina in her new role and offer her your congratulations! 

Virginia O’Reilly 

2024-25 District Governor

Special thank you to all who participated in the selection process.

Lets meet Tina.......


In a complex, fast-changing world, excellent Rotary club leadership is essential to the future of Rotary.  One of the best ways to strengthen your Club is to give your members the tools and skills to be better Rotarians.  Rotary Leadership Institute is the solution.  This is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians, and it is a great learning experience for newer Rotarians, for your incoming Board of Directors, and for any Rotarian who wants to learn more about Rotary. For the 2024-2025 Rotary year, we are pleased to announce the dates for the Spring program. Please REGISTER TODAY........

Millions of people all over the world are currently displaced by armed conflict or persecution. In fact, 90% of casualties in armed conflicts are civilians, half of which are children. Through service projects and Rotary programs, the Rotary family is committed to pursuing projects that address the structural causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.....

Join us as we celebrate some "Women of Action" who continue to improve our world by taking action and making change happen. We will be inspired and moved to action.

Thursday, March 6 at 7 PM
Rotary District 7070 International Women's Day Celebration
Durham College Global Classroom
2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa
CFCE Building


REGISTER BY MARCH 4.  Go to the District Calendar on the March 6 date 

Cost : $17 . Light refreshments will be served.

 February 23 is Rotary’s 120th Birthday. That day is also called World Understanding and Peace Day. On February 23, 1905, little did Paul Harris and his three friends realize what they were starting when they met in room 711 of the Unity Building in Chicago. We have come a long way, since then, but we still have a long way to go to achieve goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world. And there is more to read....... 

On January 28, 2025 the Public Image Committees of Rotary Zone 28 and 32 presented tips on  Story Telling . Every Rotarian and Rotary Club have a story to tell. What makes that story compelling? What is the impact? What is the emotional depth of the story? How do you tell your Rotary story effectively and when and where do you tell it?  Thank you to our Zone 28 and 32 Public Image Chairs Mary Lou Harrison and Laura Spears for assembling the team of experts as they present some excellent story telling tips .  Take a look at the recording , now available on the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 website. (under the tab: 'Webinars and Event Archives"). Here is the link:  https://youtu.be/-4ls6KfyUuc?si=_AH0dvudl97Uh2RY . 


Here is the recording of the Rotary Zone 28 and 32 Polio Webinar from January 16, 2025 where we heard about where we are now.... where we are headed and how we will get there from Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary's International Polio Plus Committee; Rotary International Director Chris Etienne ; Rotary Foundation Trustee Marty Helman; and Senior Rotary Polio Staff Officer Clare Monroe.

 Here is the Recording....... Please Read more ......


At the Rotary District 7070 Conference , on October 26, Bob Wallace and Jim Louttit announced a new Rotary District 7070 Goal for The Rotary Foundation called "The Magic of Millions". Our goal is to raise, by June 30, 2025, is $1 million . Please appoint an ambassador for your club to help you promote the Magic of Millions . Throughout the year, please encourage your members to donate to : the Annual Programs Fund, the Polio Fund, The Disaster Response Fund and to the Endowment Fund.  At the Rotary Foundation Grants Seminar in Oshawa on November 16 , you found out even more how you can help us reach that Magic of Millions.