Dear fellow Rotarians in District 7070,
The People of Action assets on the Rotary Brand Center! Below is a list of assets that are available to download now in all Rotary languages:
- People of Action print ads (Connect, Inspire, Transform, End Polio)
- People of Action social media ad templates (Transform, End Polio)
- “What We See” 90-second public service announcement video .................
The attached one-page overview of the campaign can be shared as a resource for districts and clubs. In August, Rotarians will be able to purchase People of Action water bottles, pins, magnets, keychains, and other items on Also, check out the spread on People of Action in the September issue of The Rotarian!
I have attached the campaign overview (see below) . Please let me know if you have any needs.
Best wishes,
Carrie Jones Public Image Chair, Rotary Zone 24 East
Promoting the Public Image of Rotary People of Action, our new public image campaign, is the next step in our global brand strengthening initiative. The multiyear campaign brings the Rotary story to life in a way that narrows the gap between public awareness of Rotary and understanding what Rotary does.
Although three quarters of the general public know our name, our most recent research tells us that the public still doesn’t really understand Rotary. They don’t know what we stand for and aren’t familiar with any Rotary programs. They don’t know what we do in local communities and are not even aware of the role we have played in the effort to end polio. In fact, nearly 60 percent of those surveyed said they were unaware that a Rotary club exists in their own community.
The People of Action campaign aims to bring the Rotary story to life for those who don’t know us, by showing Rotarians as the people of action we are: Leaders who work together in communities to inspire, transform, connect and celebrate what’s possible. This campaign also motivates, engages, and inspires current and prospective members, as well as donors, partners, and supporters.
Some People of Action campaign materials are available TODAY on the Rotary Brand Center and more will be available in late 2017, at
Materials will be added periodically and include:
• Videos
• Print ads
• Outdoor ads
• Online ads
• Radio ads and scripts
• Social media graphics
• Campaign guidelines
• Campaign style guide and guidelines
We developed multiple People of Action ads in all Rotary languages. We also created templates that you can customize with local images and content, if you prefer to use an ad that’s specific to your own Rotary club and story. For more information, be sure to check Brand Center for the People of Action campaign guidelines, coming soon.
As a Rotarian, you are also a Rotary brand ambassador. Help us tell the story of Rotary and how we are people of action for communities around the globe.
Here’s what you can do:
• Know where to go. Whether you’re creating ads or signs, or need to direct another Rotarian to help, you will find what you need at the Brand Center. All the materials for the new ad campaign, as well as other public image resources, will be there soon.
• Seek design and planning help, if needed. Organize a group of skilled Rotarians with marketing experience to localize the materials for your community — or work with a local graphic designer or agency. Just as important: develop a media plan to place the new public image ads online and in traditional media, like newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Guidelines for creating media plans will be posted on the Brand Center in late 2017.
• Encourage others to use the campaign materials. Once the campaign materials are posted at the Brand Center, you can start by reading the campaign guidelines document for tips on making the best use of People of Action.
• Share success stories. We want to hear your stories! Once you’ve used the materials locally, tell us your story, and show us pictures, of how you used People of Action. We may feature it in internal global promotions. Write to Global Communications staff at

Head to the Brand Center for campaign guidelines, tools, and materials in late 2017. Check back regularly, as materials will be updated throughout the multi-year campaign. Contact the marketing team at with campaign questions or for design help.
WHAT IS ROTARY? While many people have heard of Rotary, few people actually understand what Rotary clubs do. In fact, 35 percent of the public is unfamiliar with any Rotary program, including their local club. That’s why Rotary has created a new global ad campaign called “People of Action.” The ads are available for download at / brandcenter, where you’ll also find guidelines on how to use and localize each element, making it easier for clubs in any part of the world to tell their story in a consistent, compelling way.
Who are we trying to reach? This campaign is for people who do not know about Rotary or why it’s relevant to them. We hope the campaign will appeal to potential members who want to make a difference in their communities, those interested in Rotary’s causes, and people looking to establish relationships with others in their communities.
Why is the campaign’s theme “People of Action”? Rotarians share a unique passion for taking action to improve their communities and the world. Where others see problems, we see solutions. This is our chance to show others how Rotarians see what’s possible in their communities and to highlight what we can achieve when more community leaders join Rotary.
What materials are available? At, you’ll find videos, social media graphics, and advertisements for print and digital. Campaign guidelines are also provided to help districts and clubs localize the assets.
Who are the people/projects featured in the campaign? The first ads in the campaign feature real Rotarians in Colorado and Brazil, and the stories shown were inspired by actual projects. More stories from Rotarians will be featured in upcoming ads.
Can clubs or districts modify campaign materials with pictures of their own projects? Yes. Guidelines are provided at Rotary .org/brandcenter to help districts and clubs localize the campaign with photos of their own communities.
Is there guidance for taking photos for the ads? Yes. has a checklist and information on how to capture photos that focus on connections and community.
What are some ways we can place the campaign locally? Campaign placement tips are on There are also other ways to use the materials – consider adding campaign graphics to club and district websites, posting them on social media, and displaying the ads at events.
What kind of support will be provided to members who don’t know how to buy ads or secure donated space? RI provides guidelines on how to develop media plans, buy ads, and secure donated ad space at In addition, the RI marketing communications team will host a series of webinars to help club and district leaders with media planning.
How does the campaign work with the existing Rotary brand positioning of “Join Leaders,” “Share Ideas,” and “Take Action”? The People of Action campaign brings the Rotary brand to life by highlighting what happens when community leaders within Rotary join together, share their vision, exchange ideas about solutions, and then take action to make it a reality.
Who do I contact with questions about this campaign? Please send all questions regarding the People of Action campaign to