Website Re-Fresh & Training Program
It's TIME TO GET YOUR CLUB NOTICED. Prospective members are checking YOU out - What will they see? Don't be left behind.
REGISTER TODAY. To assist the Rotary Clubs of District 7070 GET NOTICED, at the request of District Governor John Burns, the District Public Relations Committee is continuing the Rotary Club ClubRunner Website Refresh Program and Promotional Half Back Discount. THIS PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CLUB in 2024-25. Half of our District 7070 Rotary clubs have completed the refresh program. These club websites are getting noticed by the public and by potential members. When a prospective member looks to join a club, they look at YOUR club website. GET YOUR CLUB WEBSITE REFRESHED - REGISTER TODAY.
The District will provide support to any Club wishing to engage in a refresh and rebrand of their web site. The purpose of this initiative is to provide clubs across the District with a consistent brand look, strong visual impact and ease of access to key information from the homepage.
Following the kick-off meeting with your club, professional web developer and designer, Melissa Wells, (a member of the Welland Rotary Club), will complete the re-design work and you will immediately see the fresh new results in your Club website. Part of the website re-design is to ensure your Club website works on mobile devices and is integrated with your social media accounts.
A follow-up, 1 hour Zoom training call with be conducted for each club in the program to teach you how to use the ClubRunner content management system. This call with be recorded for your later review.
Please complete the form below to take advantage of this initiative as soon as possible.
Should you have any questions, please email contact@exnihilodesigns.com.