In a complex, fast-changing world, excellent Rotary club leadership is essential to the future of Rotary. One of the best ways to strengthen your Club is to give your members the tools and skills to be better Rotarians. Rotary Leadership Institute is the solution. This is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians, and it is a great learning experience for newer Rotarians, for your incoming Board of Directors, and for any Rotarian who wants to learn more about Rotary. Here is more of the story........
Rotary Leadership Institute is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians.
We are pleased to announce Saturday April 20, 2024 for the RLI courses, Parts I, II and III .
Check in at 8:00 am . Courses start sharply at 8:30 am and run until 4:30 pm
Location: Centennial College Event Centre, 937 Progress Ave, Scarborough, ON M1G 3T8.
Registration will be based on a first come - first served basis.
It's the perfect learning experience for newer Rotarians and an excellent knowledge update for those more seasoned.
Click here to register for Part I
What Is The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) ?
RLI is a grassroots coalition of Rotary districts implementing a leadership development program for "potential" leaders of Rotary CLUBS. RLI believes that excellent CLUB leadership (all types of club leaders) is essential to the future of Rotary in a complex and fast changing world. Most Rotarians have not been exposed to the great scope of Rotary around the world and have not considered what leadership skills are necessary to move Rotary forward. RLI strongly believes that a good Rotary Club leader must know the evolution of Rotary, its current status and activities in the world and have a vision for what Rotary can be in the future.
RLI follows an adult learning approach with facilitated discussion led by trained Rotary facilitators. The cost is $70 per Rotarian per course. (However, first year or newly inducted Rotarians will be half price. Only $35.00) Please REGISTER TODAY. This cost covers course materials, coffee breaks and lunch. Usually the Rotary club covers the cost for their members to attend since the club will be the beneficiary of a more knowledgeable membership.
Please do not be disappointed. Contact Susan.hunter@rotarytoronto.
Watch for the District website for more dates and locations near you.
What is Rotary Leadership Institute?
• A leadership and development program to strengthen Rotary clubs through education, collaboration and the exchange of ideas among Rotarians.
• A three-part program facilitated by experienced faculty members engaging participants through open discussion, problem-solving and creative role-play.
• Rotary International recommends Rotary Leadership Institute for new and seasoned members.
How does it work?
• Interactive, discussion and participation. No lectures!
• Cost will be $70 which will include a light breakfast, lunch and refreshments.(FIRST YEAR OR NEWLY INDUCTED MEMBERS WILL BE $35.00)
Who should attend?
- Any interested Rotarian!
- New members
- Active Rotarians
- Your current and incoming club Board of Directors
- Current AND Future club/district leaders
Current Curriculum
The current curriculum has the following course sessions:
See: Participant Guides
- 2023 - Part I (3.6Mb)
- 2023 - Part II (2.5Mb)
- 2023 - Part III (1.3Mb)
My Leadership in Rotary
My Rotary World
Ethics-Vocation Service
Foundation I: Our Foundation
Engaging Members
Creating Service Projects
Rotary Opportunities
Effective Leadership: Coalition Building
Attracting Members
Club Communication
Team Building
Foundation II: Targeted Service
Planning for Success
The Rotary Foundation: International Service
Public Image
Building A Stronger Club
Making A Difference
When will courses be held in our area?
Location: Centennial College Event Centre, 937 Progress Ave, Scarborough, ON M1G 3T8.
How do I register?
• Go to www.rotary7070.org and check under “Events” for our April 20th, 2024 date
• Scroll down to the RLI session you want to attend. Click and follow instructions.
Attention Club Presidents: New RLI Brochure is now available (see below).
How do I contact for more information?
• You can call our District 7070 RLI Chair, Susan Hunter at susan.hunter@rotarytoronto.com or at (416) 822-8409.