Posted by Virginia O'Reilly - Chair, District 7070 Membership Committee

The path to a strong vibrant Rotary Club involves our Membership.  Membership is like a garden, to be strong and grow we nurture current members and plant the seeds for new members on an ongoing basis. 

On Saturday January 22, 2022 from 9:30 am to 11:10 am - the District Membership Committee hosted Part 2 - “Grow Rotary Zoom Workshop”. We welcomed Rotarian Paul Elsley, Past President of the Kingston ON Rotary Club who shared how his Club was able to grow by 10+ members during the pandemic.  Here in the LINK to the You Tube video.  There is more.....

District 7070 has Clubs that are vibrant and growing…how are they doing that?  How are other Districts doing that?  These informative and interactive workshops generate discussion and spark ideas to engage and inspire.   We encourage your club members to watch the video. You can share the discussion and work on plans for strengthening your Club.  The workshop is for all Rotarians interested in their club’s path to growth.