Our new District Governor Virginia O'Reilly ended the Ceremonies, and made her closing remarks, one last time as District Governor Elect, by thanking John for his outstanding Rotary year.  In her own words, here's Virginia........... Please Read more .....

Virginia thanked her mentor Past District Governor Iosif Ciosa for his help and guidance through the years leading up to the District Governor position.  With added thanks to Past District Governors Mike Phelan and Jim Louttit for their input.

She thanked the District Governor team, including Past District Governor Mark Chipman and Past District Governor Ron Dick, for working together over the last 3 years to increase her appreciation of the District workings.  And she is looking forward to continuing the Friday morning team meetings with District Governor John (soon to be IPDG - Immediate Past District Governor), District Governor Elect Niecy Dillon-Tyrovolas, District Governor Nominee Designate Liz Compton and whoever comes next.  The District Governor Team is an amazing source of inspiration, strength and knowledge!!  Thank you.

Virginia (affectionately called VOR ) thanked everyone in advance for their support during the coming year and is looking forward to her club visits.

Lastly, VOR thanked District Governor John for his friendship and help over the last year.  She hopes that he can find more time on the golf course and have a less stressful year as Immediate Past District Governor.