Posted by Joan Barrett, Chair, Rotary District 7070 Membership Committee

Your Rotary District 7070 Membership Committee had their first seminar session of the new Rotary year at this year’s District 7070 Conference entitled: Creating a Successful and Agile Club.

 It was indeed a pleasure for us to engage in active dialogue with Rotarians and Rotaractors, as participants responded to prompts and questions poised. We had a wealth of information exchanged throughout the interactive discussions, including ideas for other membership sessions we might offer our district in the future.

A few highlights from attendees:

  • Bring clubs together to share a specific event

  • Start a “best practices” group (share on a blog or district website)

  • New Members ask: What ignites your passion?

  • Find out why folks stay or leave

By the number of people who attended this session, it is apparent that Rotarians and Rotaractors know how critical it is for us to build forward together and create our shared Rotary future.