Do you have events or fundraisers that you want other clubs to know about? Perhaps a project with which you need their assistance? Here are just three ways you can get your event, your message , a story about your club, or your "ask for help" out to your neighbouring Rotary Clubs, RIGHT HERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER:........
Here are three ways you can get your event, your message ,a story about your club, or your "ask for help" out to your neighbouring Rotary Clubs RIGHT HERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER:
1. Send your story( 500 words or less) and a photo to Dave Andrews, our District Public Image Chair. ( . Dave will put your club's story right into the "News From Rotary Clubs" Section of the District Newsletter. He will be glad to do that.
2. We also have a spot in the menu bar of the District Website called "Club and District News". Send a story, about a successful club project, when your project is completed and always with a photo, to Dave Andrews, our District Public Image Chair. What he has been doing is putting a club's success story in this section of the Website .
3. When your club adds an event to your website, in Clubrunner, you can also add it to the district calendar.... Just pushing one button near the bottom of the event page and "add it to the District 7070 Calendar".
4. When you put an event on your Club Facebook Page, be sure to invite other Rotary Clubs to join you. Find the Rotary District 7070 Facebook page and be sure to Like the Rotary District 7070 Facebook Page and share your event with them . The District Facebook page has many followers from all over the District and the rest of the Rotary world. And always tag your Facebook post with #rotary7070.