To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32 the current newsletter is being transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team. Here is the August video from Drew Kessler, our new Rotary International Director . Be sure to read your emails and view the new "In The Zone" monthly newsletter. And Get "In the Zone"! Join our special Facebook group for sharing Rotary ideas on membership, our Rotary Foundation, and best practices for enhancing Rotary's Public Image......

To the Rotary family n Rotary District 7070 and throughout Zones 28 and 32: 

To embrace current technology and to be a resource to all members of Zone’s 28/32 the current newsletter is being transitioned to an interactive blog style format that will be managed and moderated by the Zone leadership team.  At the beginning of every month. every member in both Zones will receive an email titled “In the Zone” which will have an embedded video that will be short in nature and cover very high-level matters in Rotary world.  Included in this email will be link for the topics of the month in hopes that we engage the interest of our members, and they contribute to whatever the topic may be for each of the disciplines Image, Foundation and Membership. 

The Zone’s Image, Foundation and Membership teams will be providing monthly content that will provide both information and the ability for our members to share what they are doing in their Rotary world (both what is working and what is not).  Facebook will be the platform we will be using for this effort and while not fully up and running until July 1 it can be previewed by following this link.  With using Facebook each post can be shared easily and contributions can come from anyone in the Rotary world once they are a member of the group.

It is with hope that this new format is embraced and that I can count on the support of all current and past District leadership to promote and contribute to this effort.

Yours in Rotary,

Drew Kessler

Drew Kessler


Here is Drew's August 2022 video: