2023 Rotary Rose Parade Committee Float Theme: Entry number 75. Rotary: Serving with Imagination and Hope (Phoenix Decorating Company)
Last year the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee had a viewing audience of 41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories (2017 Tournament Statistics). The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats. That's what we call boosting Rotary's public image . Tune into KTLA for the best coverage of the Parade and see the 2023 Rotary Rose Parade Float on January 2, 2023 as early as 10 am (Toronto Time). Read more for the rest of the story ......
Does Rotary International pay for the float?
Rotarians, Clubs and Districts in the United States and Canada donate the majority of the money to pay for the float. The RRPFC also receives monies from corporate sponsors and individual sponsors which varies from year to year. Rotary International paid in 2020 for 2 rider positions the same amount as other riders and will do so again in 2022 and 2023. The current Budget for the 2022 Float is $143,655.00. With an audience of over 71 million, including live audience and pre and post live viewing and television and streaming broadcasts that amounts to about .2 cents per viewer. Even if only the live viewers are counted the cost per viewer is $.20 cents per viewer.
How are the contributions used?
Approximately 64% of the money raised goes to costs directly into building, decorating and entering the float in the parade. The balance of the funds raised pay for business, banking, insurance and other miscellaneous costs related to the float and hosting the RI President while attending the parade and other related activities. None of the money raised for float construction is spent on professional staff or committee perks.
Why do we enter a float in the Rose Parade?
Paul Harris said, “In the promotion of Rotary, it is important to reach large numbers and you cannot reach them privately.” Statistics have proven that when Rotary International and/or the Rotary Foundation creates public relations events and promotes Rotary membership increases as well as general knowledge of Rotary. By supporting the Float you can assist in a public relations effort to do BOTH!
When Rotary International’s directors approved the first entry in the parade over 41 years ago, they saw in it an unrivaled opportunity to bring Rotary’s name into public view. They reasoned that an eye-catching float would capture the interest of network commentators and remind the world, of Rotary’s good works. And so it has! Last year the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee had a viewing audience of 41 million households in the United States and 28 million households around the world in more than 243 countries/ territories (2017 Tournament Statistics). The Tournament estimates that more than 700,000 are present live on the parade route, over 22,000 view the floats as they are decorated; and almost 122,000 view the post-parade floats.
For the 43rd consecutive year, the Committee again proudly presents its float to North America and the world. And each year, more clubs enthusiastically contribute financial support to this most important Rotary public relations project.
Nearly 70 million households see the Rose Parade.
The Rose Parade is seen by an estimated U.S. audience of almost 37 million households and an estimated international audience of 28 million households in over 243 territories. (2017 Tournament Statistics). The Pasadena Police Department estimates that approximately 700,000 spectators view the Rose Parade in person. Another 89,000 visit the Parade Float Decorating Sites and/or the Post Parade Float Viewing Area where the floats are on display for two days.
Here is how the float started in June 2022
Float Dimensions - Height 20 feet 6 inches
Float Dimensions - Width 18 feet
Float Dimensions - Length 35 feet
Estimated Number of Flowers Used 21,717
Flowers and Dry Materials Used for Decorating - incl. unique uses and pronunciation
ROTARY 2023 floral
Carousel Horse-main body of white fine ground rice, shading of light grey light lettuce seed. Mane & Tail of white mums, fine ground white rice and shiny grey silverleaf.
Eyes of black seaweed, white powdered rice, brown coffee, bronze and orange fine cut strawflower and light orange fine ground lentil. Eyelids of white powdered rice, dark grey poppy seed, light grey inoculated clover seed. Nostrils of dark grey poppy seed and light grey inoculated clover seed.
Mouth and teeth of white powdered rice, tongue and inside ears of pink fine cut strawflower. Hooves of shiny grey silverleaf and yellow fine cut strawflower.
Headdress-base of white fine ground rice and pale-yellow fine cut strawflower. Plumes of white pampas grass. Center of green deflexis, green Komondor fern, hot pink and pink roses.
Diamond shape on horse forehead, yellow fine cut strawflower and white fine ground rice. Blue teardrop-light blue fine cut statice and white fine ground rice, Pearls of white fine cut everlasting, round mouthpiece of white powdered rice, Chain of yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice and gold clover seed.
Discs with stars-yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice, purple fine cut statice, blue fine cut statice and gold clover seed. Curved element-yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice, and gold clover seed.
Tassel of yellow fine cut strawflower. Raised design on neck-edges of yellow mums, green mums, white and dark lavender mums.
Horses’ chest-yellow trim of yellow mums, diamond gems of yellow fine cut strawflower and gold clover seed, green stones of green ground split pea and white fine ground rice, balls of blue fine cut statice and white fine ground rice.
Carved Roses-dark pink-hot pink fine cut statice and brown coffee. Yellow-yellow fine cut strawflower and tan fine walnut shell. Orange-light orange and dark orange fine cut strawflower. Light pink-medium and light pink fine cut strawflower.
Area in front of Horses chest with carved roses-green springeri, light pink and light lavender carnations, pink and lavender roses. Small rings of yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice and gold clover seed.
Horses Blanket-xmas red mums. Drippies under carved roses-green springeri and pink roses and light pink carnations. Edge designs on Blanket-yellow fine cut strawflower, purple fine cut statice, design of light pink and pink fine cut strawflower, hot pink and light blue fine cut statice, centers of green ground parsley flakes and white fine ground rice.
Rear quadrant-red special spice mix and purple fine cut statice. Diamond shapes-yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice and gold clover seed. Blue gems-light blue fine cut statice and white fine ground rice.
Circle Discs with stars-borders of yellow fine cut strawflower and fine ground rice, background of purple and dark blue fine cut statice, stars of white baby lima beans. Main people base-yellow and light beau/tan mums, roll of light beau mums, inside walls of tan fine walnut shell. Front platforms of white powdered rice, yellow mums, stripes of purple fine cut statice, green ground parsley flakes and red fine cut strawflower.
Tallest pillar with garland-top of white pampas grass, center of green deflexis, green Komondor fern, hot pink and pink roses, base and top/edges of yellow fine cut strawflower, underneath of gold flax seed, pillar of yellow fine cut strawflower, gold flax seed and red fine cut strawflower, white gems of white large lima beans. Garland-green springeri, bright yellow roses, yellow carnations, light pink and hot pink roses and light pink and hot pink carnations. Urns of yellow fine cut strawflower and gold flax seed.
Floral arrangements of green springeri, green Komondor fern, yellow dendrobs, yellow cymbidiums, pink and hot pink roses. Big Yellow Scrolls-yellow mums, crème coconut, pink carnations, balls of yellow button mums, yellow fine cut strawflower, white fine ground rice, ball of light blue fine cut statice, white fine ground rice and dark blue fine cut statice, black trim of black beans. Deck of green springeri, hot pink roses.
Floral arrangements base of float-green leather fern, green springeri, white daffodils with orange centers, light green small eucalyptus leaves and white gerberas with green centers.
Rotary International President Jennifer Jones said.....
For more than 40-years, Rotary International has been thrilled to participate in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Each year the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee creates a world-class float that showcases Rotary – and with tens of millions of viewers, the Rose Parade is a great opportunity to elevate our message to communities far and wide.
As one of the most highly regarded global membership organizations, we are so proud of the service we provide: eradicating deadly disease, educating communities, providing clean water and sanitation, empowering girls to attain equality in their communities, and so much more. We look forward to riding in this year’s parade and congratulate the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee for their creativity, commitment, and hard work.