District 7070 RLI Part 2 Mar 8, 15, 22 2023
08 Mar 2023 |
RLI PROGRAM 2022- 2023
Based on practices from other Rotary Districts, a suggested format for RLI
is to conduct the courses during the evenings over multiple weeks; this format will allow
Rotarians to complete all three levels after 9 weeks.
Each weeknight would consist of a minimum of 2 RLI courses.
The format is:
6:00 pm - 6:10 pm Welcome & General Introductions
6:10 pm - 6:45 pm RLI Course #1 with Facilitator #1 (35 minutes)
6:45 pm - 7:20 pm RLI Course #2 with Facilitator #2 (35 minutes)
7:20 pm - 8:00 pm Debrief & Close
Fees: $20 per person donation to RI Foundation
Meeting: Zoom video-conference
Number of Participants: Up to 15+
Meeting: Zoom video-conference
Number of Participants: Up to 15+
Wednesday, March 8th 2023
-"Rotary Opportunities"
-"Effective Leadership Strategies"
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
-"Attracting Members"
-"Club Communication"
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
-"Team Building"
-"Foundation II: Targeted Service"