As we approach the spring season, the Environmental Action Committee is pleased to announce that clubs across the district are getting ready for hands-on projects.
- April 24th - Environmental Symposium - A virtual (on line) and in-person event Live from the Rotary Global Classroom at Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario . Details to follow.
- April 27th - District wide Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup - What is your club doing?.
Please Read more for some exciting news.......
We are very excited that Rotary District 7070 is being included as a partner in a major grant on ecological footprint work spearheaded by York University in collaboration with other academic, civic and private organizations. The group has successfully obtained a multi-year $2.5 million grant to apply knowledge about carbon and ecological footprints to actions that will make a difference in combating climate change. This opens the door for Rotarians to work with renowned global experts in, firstly, estimating the carbon emissions and Ecological Footprint of communities in which they live and, secondly, establishing partnerships to engage in impactful actions. Nilam Bedi will be working with the project team in the coming months to develop the exact nature of Rotary’s participation.
The Rotary District 7070 Environmental Action Committee will be happy to hear from clubs needing assistance or guidance on their involvement in environmental activities. Please contact Nilam Bedi at nilam.bedi@gmail.com