A key step for new members is understanding The Rotary Foundation. Here are 6 steps to familiarize new members with our Foundation. Please Read more...


1. Review current and past club Global and District grants with the new member and have the mentor take the new member on a tour of Rotary projects in the community.

2. Explain Rotary’s work to eradicate polio worldwide.

3. Encourage the new member to take basic Rotary Foundation courses at the Rotary Learning center. Assist them to register at Rotary.org and show them how to access the Learning Center and watch videos at https://vimeopro.com/rotary/rotary-videos

4. Recommend they read the Rotary Foundation Reference Guide and then meet the new member for coffee to answer their questions. https://my.rotary.org/.../rotary-foundation-reference...

5. Explain the impact of a gift to The Rotary Foundation and how to donate online or with Rotary Direct. www.rotary.org/donate

6. Consider matching Paul Harris Fellow recognition points for new member donations for the first year.