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To All of the Rotarians and Roatarctors in District 7070

Well-planned service projects are more likely to have a strong impact and create effective and transparent communication between your community and club. Every community has its own unique assets and concerns.  In District 7070 we have asked Rotarians who have carried out one or many successful International Services projects to take on the role of Coordinator for one of the Areas of Focus Action Committees. Let's meet them.


Rotary's seven AREAS of FOCUS help to prioritize and address some of the world's most critical needs and are as follows:

  • Peacebuilding and conflict prevention

  • Disease prevention and treatment.

  • Water and sanitation and hygiene.

  • Maternal and child health.

  • Basic education and literacy.

  • Community economic development.

  • Supporting the Environment 


In District 7070 we have asked Rotarians who have carried out one or many successful International Services projects to take on the role of Coordinator for one of the Areas of Focus Action Committees.

The role of the Area of Focus Action Committee Coordinator includes the following:

  • Helpful Resource to Rotarians and Rotary Clubs in Project Development in their Area of Focus.

  • Where applicable be a resource to Rotary Clubs where projects are applying for a District or Global Grant for their Area of Focus.

  • Help connect Rotary clubs for multi club participation in Projects.

  • Help Rotary Clubs with an existing project and are looking for Projects Funds, Volunteers or Materials connect with Rotary Clubs.

  • Help Rotary Clubs looking to participate in Service Projects find new or existing projects in process looking for partners.


Your Area of Focus Coordinators are


  • Peacebuilding and conflict prevention

  • Disease prevention and treatment.

    • Charles (Chuck) Taylor, Past President of the Rotary Club of Uxbridge

    •  Email: Phone (905) 642-4857

  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

  • Maternal and child health.

  • Basic education and literacy.

    • Joan Barrett, Past President of Rotary Club of Scarborough

    • Email: Phone: (647) 284-4802

  • Community Economic Development.

  • Supporting The Environment.

    • Nilam Bedi, Rotary Club of Toronto Eglinton

    • Email:   Phone:  416-629-8907


We ask that you help our Area of Focus Coordinators with four items:

  1. Each Area of Focus Coordinator is forming a committee. If you would like to serve on the Committee, please contact the Coordinator at their email or phone as noted above to participate.

  2. If you have a project completed or ongoing in one of the Areas of Focus, please contact the Coordinator to advise of any help you may need or just let us know that all is well!

  3. If you are looking to participate in a project in any one of the Areas of Focus, please contact the Coordinator to get connected to a project(s) in the works!

  4. If you receive a project request from outside the District, please advise myself or one of the Area of Focus Coordinators so that we can add it to our list of potential project ideas.

I thank you in advance for your Service Project Volunteerism and support of our Area of Focus Action Committee Coordinators.


Richard Mewhinney

District 7070 Chair, Action Committees 2020-22