Contact: Fran Taylor
Online Registration
Centennial College Event Center
937 Progress Ave.
8th floor
Scarborough, ON M1G 3T8

Rotary Leadership Institute is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians.

In a complex, fast-changing world, excellent Rotary club leadership is essential to the future of Rotary.  One of the best ways to strengthen your Club is to give your members the tools and skills to be better Rotarians.  Rotary Leadership Institute is the solution.This is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians, and it is a great learning experience for new Rotarians, for your incoming Board of Directors, and for any Rotarian who wants to learn more about Rotary. 

We are pleased to announce Saturday, 29 March, 2025 for the RLI courses, Parts I, II and III . You will be able to complete one Part only ( I or II or III) on the 29th of March. Members completing RLI III will be graduating at the end of the day.

If you have questions please contact: Susan or Fran

PART I Courses:

My Leadership in Rotary 

My Rotary World

Ethics-Vocation Service

Foundation I - Our Foundation

Engaging Members

Creating Service Projects