
Save this date. Start planning what YOUR club is going to do the help clan up the Great Lakes watershed in 2023. 


On Saturday, April 22, 2023, thousands of Rotarians & Non-Rotarians, on both sides of the Canadian and U.S. border, will roll up their sleeves and collect refuse along the shoreline and many waterway tributaries to the Great Lakes basin. Rotary Clubs in District 7070 , right here in south central Ontario to lwill lead the way on April 22 as a Rotary Day of Service as they invited friends and family to help support one of Rotary's areas of focus: Supporting The Environment. 

It is up to YOU and your Rotary Club to Lead The Way. 

This is a great example of ROTARY IN ACTION and brings considerable community attention to the importance of ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY.  We will be joined by 100's of other Clubs from neighbouring Districts surrounding the Great Lakes.  This is our day to show 'Rotary in Action' on a massive scale, as we promote 'Environmental Sustainability' within our communities. 

Thank you to District 7070 Chair of the Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup 2023,  Dan Coombes, for getting our clubs in action.