Rotary Leadership Institute is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians.
Did you complete Part I? If YES, where and when did you complete Part I?
In a complex, fast-changing world, excellent Rotary club leadership is essential to the future of Rotary. One of the best ways to strengthen your Club is to give your members the tools and skills to be better Rotarians. Rotary Leadership Institute is the solution.This is your opportunity to learn more about Rotary and share your ideas with other Rotarians, and it is a great learning experience for new Rotarians, for your incoming Board of Directors, and for any Rotarian who wants to learn more about Rotary.
If you have any questions please conatct: Susan Hunter: or Fran Taylor:
PART II Courses
Rotary Opportunities
Effective Leadership: Coalition Building
Attracting Members
Club Communication
Team Building
Foundation II: Targeted Service