Posted by Lars Henriksson, Past District Governor and District 7070 Grants Chair

Clubs interested in applying for District Grants for projects they plan to do in the 2018-19 Rotary year were EXTENDED to June 15, 2018. Click here and see if your Club was eligible. For the 2019-20 Rotary Year, it is never to early to plan ahead. You will need to complete your applications which should be made on a special form, available on the District’s website ( For more information please visit the District website, or contact PDG Lars Henriksson, . Here are more details....... 



Grant Qualification Session at the District Assembly May 12, 2018

THANK YOU TO THE Clubs that participated in the Rotary Foundation’s Grants program qualification process. This qualification applies both to Global Grants and District Grants.

To be qualified, Clubs must do the following two things

  • have at least two of its members attend the Qualifying Seminar, and
  • sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the District.

Clubs must renew its qualification status every year. Click here to see if your Club qualified this year.

Many Clubs had members that attended the Qualification Seminar that was held in Oshawa Saturday, February 10, 2018, have qualified, if they had two members at that Seminar and have sent the District a signed MOU (Memorandum of Understanding).


JUNE 15, 2018 dead-line for applications for District Grant projects

Please, note that JUNE 15, 2018 was the NEW DEADLINE for applying for a District Grant in the 2018-19 Rotary year. The applications were to be made on the application form, found on the website for District 7070, Completed applications were to be emailed to PDG Lars Henriksson, Global Grant applications, which are made on, can be made throughout the Rotary year.

You are also welcome to contact Lars if you have any questions or comments regarding District or Global Grant issues. Please, note that Clubs that want to apply for District or Global Grants must be qualified.


Some of the Details and Links: 

District Grants can be used for smaller projects.  There is no minimum budget required.  The project still has to meet the Rotary Foundation Mission.  A District Grant can be used locally or internationally.  There is no requirement that there is a Rotary Club on the other end.  However, we have found it very beneficial to cooperate with local Rotary Club if such exist.

District Grants can be used for both local and international projects. Projects can be of various size, but most are in the $3,000 -15,000 range. To encourage cooperation between Clubs, the funding formula will give more funds to projects with several participating Clubs.

As indicated earlier on this site, District 7070 has decided to encourage Clubs to cooperate when designing projects.  Hence, we offer to increase the District’s match of Club cash contributions if more Clubs are involved in a project.

Applications received by JUNE 15, 2018 were considered in the District’s Spending Plan, our application to the Rotary Foundation for a District Block Grant.  The Spending Plan is, in short, a summary of all the projects that the District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee has decided to endorse.


Club Qualification

The Qualification is valid for one year only.  This is a requirement by the Rotary Foundation and outside of D7070’s control.

A second opportunity for Clubs to qualify was held at the May 12 District Training Assembly during the spring. Clubs can apply for a District Grant even if they are not qualified for next year yet. However, they must be qualified once the projects is initiated next year. The same holds for Global Grant applications.

MOU – Memorandum of Understanding : Click here to download a copy of the MOU – Memorandum of Understanding that a Club has to sign and submit if it wants to participate in the Foundation’s Grants program.


2018-19 District Grants Proposal Form

One of the objectives with the new Grants process is that Clubs should plan projects year one and implement them year two.  Therefore, D7070 has set a new deadline of JUNE 15 for applications for District Grant funds for projects which were to be completed in the 2018-19 Rotary year.  The application should be made on the official 2018-19 District Grant Proposal Form.  Click here to download a copy.

Applications should be forwarded electronically to Lars Henriksson at, no later than JUNE 15 each year.