Posted by Mark Chipman, District Governor Nominee, and Chair of the District 7070 Rotaract Committee

Here is a letter from District Governor Nominee, Mark Chipman, encouraging Rotary Clubs and Rotaract Clubs to send stories about their Rotaract Club, activities for everyone to read, right here to the District Newsletter every month. Who knows, someday, YOU and your Rotary Club just may take that next step and sponsor a Rotaract Club or encourage a young adult to join a Rotaract Club right here in District 7070.......

Dear Fellow Rotarians, 

We are very fortunate, in District 7070, to have Rotary Clubs that sponsor ten District 7070 Rotaract Clubs.   As a reminder to everyone, this sponsorship comes with a commitment to support and strengthen our Rotaract clubs. At present, only 5% of Rotaractors ever become Rotarians!  As such, there is a significant opportunity to continue building the relationship with our Rotaract family. 

What can all Rotarians in District 7070 do to build a stronger relationship and ensure a strong Rotaract club?   Have you considered:

  • Inviting Rotaractors to your ongoing meetings

  • Holding coffee chats and mentoring sessions with the Rotaractors

  • Engaging them on sweat equity projects or fundraisers as an equal and active partner

  • Holding training sessions where they teach you some things (i.e. social media, mobile apps/communication tools). Believe me, I am always learning new things from the younger members of my team at work! 

  • Adding them to your mailing lists and including them on your newsletter or social media sites

  • Holding induction ceremonies for new members (as we do for Rotarians!), recognizing/awarding achievements and considering team building events

  • Considering the Rotaractors for a position on your Board or your various committees

  • Encouraging them to attend District events. Two events of note:

  • Rotary Foundation Walk in Kleinberg at The McMichael Canadian Collection on Sunday, September 30

  • Rotary Reunion - Rotary 7070 District Conference in Wellington, Prince Edward County - Saturday, October 27 - $50 for the whole day for Rotaractors, including 3 meals!

  •   Discussing with them what are their expectations of your Rotary club and what they would like to get out of (and give to) this relationship.

The key lies in engagement and putting together an action plan with our Rotaract Clubs!

Please note that myself,  as District Rotaract Chair, and Carolina Rodriguez Ramirez, the District 7070 Rotaract Rep, can provide your Rotary Club with any guidance and assistance related to Rotaract. Carolina is a dynamic, inspiring Rotaractor (and previous President of the Durham/UOIT Rotaract Club) who will be reaching out and assisting the Rotaract Presidents throughout the year.  She has a wealth of information and Rotaract experience. Talk to us!

We would love for you to share your Rotaract stories with each other in the District newsletter in a new section called "NEWS FORM ROTARACT CLUBS". Dave Andrews creates our District Newsletter and administers our social media sites. If you have a Rotaract story of note, feel free to send it to him for distribution/posting.

Thanks for your leadership!

Mark Chipman

DGN, Rotaract Chair for D7070



To learn more about the Rotaract Clubs in District 7070, please see their website: and you can find them on Twitter and Facebook