Posted by Neil Phillips, District 7070 Governor 2017-18

Nominations for the position of District Governor for the Rotary year 2020-21

From District Governor Neil Phillips

Hello Everyone,

One of the strengths of Rotary and District 7070 is our succession planning. Here is a link to a nomination form for the position of District Governor for the Rotary year 2020-21. If you are interested or you think a member of your Club or District committee is interested please encourage them to apply. Read more for the mandatory qualifications .....


The mandatory qualifications:

  • The Rotarian must have been a Past President of a Club and at time of office have been a member of Rotary for a minimum of 7 years
  • A submission from your Rotary Club shall be in the form of a resolution, adopted at a regular meeting of your club, properly certified by the secretary, and accompanied by
  • a resume or biographical sketch of the suggested Rotarian.


I would be happy to personally speak to any candidate who would like to discuss this further.

NOTE: The nomination forms are due to me by January 15, 2018 and the interview date will be January 29, 2018.

DG Neil Phillips