Posted by Ron Dick, District 7070 Governor 2021-22

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

It is with great pleasure that I announce that the result of the selection process for the position of District Governor for the Rotary 2024-2025 year is Virginia O'Reilly from the Rotary Club of Toronto East.

Virginia is the Membership Chair for District 7070. She is a partner at Burak Jacobson Research Partners, a consulting firm in Toronto specializing in consumer insights through market research. Virginia holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science with a Mathematics Major from St. Francis Xavier University and a Master of Business Administration from Queen's University. She has been a member of the Toronto East Rotary Club since 1998. She served as her club's first female President between 2001 and 2002.

The selection process was conducted in accordance with Article 12 of the Rotary International Bylaws, and the above selection is subject to a Challenge Period of 14 days from the day of this announcement.  Clubs wishing to make a challenge must do so in accordance with Sub-Section 12.030.7 of the RI Bylaws and submit the challenge no later than midnight February 12, 2022.  In the absence of any challenges, the selection of Virginia O'Reilly as District Governor for District 7070 for the year 2024-2025 shall be declared official as of February 13th, 2022.

Thank you to all who participated in the selection process.

DG Ron