Our District 7070 newsletter is meant to keep everyone in our Rotary family up to date on latest news from around the Rotary world, from the clubs in our District, from the various committees in District 7070 and beyond. Please share this letter and keep our Rotary family informed. Make sure they all get a copy. The deadline for your story submissions is always 4 days prior to the end of the month. Check out our District 7070 Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram accounts and our District 7070 website for the latest news about Rotary here in southern Ontario and around the world.
Posted by Ron Dick, District 7070 Governor , 2021-22
In his January 2022 Newsletter, District Governor Ron Dick wishes everyone and safe and Happy New Year. He talks about Vocational Service , the theme for January 2022, and encourages everyone to register for the January 11 Tuesday Talks featuring Dr. Mathis Wackernagel, Founder and President, Global Footprint Network. Ron also asks everyone to register for the May13 - 15 District Conference and to stay tune to hear about our keynote speaker. ........
Posted by Shekhar Mehta, Rotary International President 2021-22
In Shekhar Mehta's January 2022 Newsletter, our Rotary International President talks about one of Rotary's founding principles to use your vocation to do good in the world and gives examples of how Rotarians, including Shekhar, do just that. He also congratulates every club that has engaged with the Each One, Bring One initiative, and encourages all clubs and members to introduce one person to Rotary. He notes, "Increasing our membership gives people from all walks of life the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills in transformational service. Please read more .........
Posted by John Germ, Chair of the Trustees , Rotary Foundation 2021-22
In his January 2022 message to Rotarians, John Germ, Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation, (and also Past President of Rotary International), reminds us that partnerships can amplify our impact. He talks about our impact on the world with some of Rotary's partnerships: The Gates Foundation, UNICEF, USAID, World Vision, WASH, and the Elanor Cook Foundation. Please read more ......
Posted by Valrie Wafer, Vice-President & Director , Rotary International
In her January 2022 Newsletter, Rotary International Vice-President and Director and Valarie Wafer talks about 2021 and Covid-19 and that the new day brings the hope that we may finally see the end of this pandemic very soon. She notes that we have experienced challenges and loss but we have also found a new strength and developed new thoughts and that each new strength and each new thought will place our organization in a better, stronger and more relevant position to lead and serve. She adds that it is our job, each of us, to leave our clubs, districts and our zones a little stronger on June 30. Valarie has made some promises to herself in 2022. Please Read more.....
The 2022 Rose Parade marks the 42nd consecutive year the RRPFC has spearheaded Rotary’s representation in America’s New Year Celebration. This year’s theme, “Changing Lives Through Education,” aligns with one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus, Basic Education and Literacy. A sixteen-foot-tall owl embodies both the spirit of self-improvement and Rotary’s determination to make the tools of education available to everyone in every land. Books, a quill pen and a hybrid apple/globe symbolize the importance of education throughout the world........
January is Vocational Service month on Rotary’s calendar. Please take a few minutes to read about this important Avenue of Service in these excerpts from an article written by the Past Chair of the District 7070 Vocational Service Committee, Ian Lancaster, about Vocational Service, its history and its importance in Rotary club life. Be sure to check out examples of projects for your club to support and make everyone award of Rotary's important Avenue of Service ....
Posted by Ron Dick, District 7070 Governor 2021-22
We have a very special event new to our calendars! Jennifer Jones, Incoming Rotary International President will be starting her year with a two week cross Canada tour to showcase Canada to the Rotary World! As part of this tour, Jennifer Jones will be "dropping into the GTA" on Tuesday, July 5th for the day! So no glitzy dinners, Jennifer is looking for People of Action projects and activities to roll up her sleeves and showcase Canada and Ontario to the Rotary World. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 5th and send in your project / activity suggestions on what we can keep Jennifer (and her team) busy with on Tuesday, July 5th, 2022! More details to follow!
Posted by Susan Hunter, Chair District 7070 Rotary Leadership Institute
In 2021, we are staying with our Rotary Leadership Institute programming in the virtual format as a result of the pandemic. Although we all appreciate that videoconference will never replace the personal connection that we get from meeting face-to-face, we still had a very successful program with overwhelming response and enthusiasm from Rotarians across the District. Rotarians new to Rotary and even those with many years of service will benefit from learning how we can create strong clubs with vibrant members who are engaged and committed to Service Above Self. This Rotary year, we will be maintaining our virtual format on the Zoom platform. You can NOW go to the District 7070 Events Calendar NOW and register for Parts I, II and III . Register right here for Part One .Register right here for Part Two. Register right here for Part Three . Here are some important new details for 2021-22 .....
Posted by Sherry Chamberlain, Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator - Zone 28
We are so appreciative of the funds donated thus far for the Wildfire victims and now with the Flood victims of BC. If you or your club would like to donate to the Pacific Northwest Rotary Disaster Recovery and Relief Efforts, you can do so as follows. Donations for fire or flood relief and recovery can be made to the Steveston Rotary Charitable Foundation in two ways:
Cheque. Cheques made payable to the Rotary Club of Steveston Charitable Society can be sent to:
Rotary Club of Steveston, 12111 3rd Avenue, Richmond, B.C. V7E 3K1, Canada
You can specify in your notes if the donation goes to a specific area or disaster as well as just the overall efforts being done by Rotarians in Districts 5060, 5040 and 5050.
District 7070 is still looking for Rotarians who are interested in leading our District as Governor in the 2024-25 Rotary year – July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. All Rotary Clubs in District 7070 are invited to submit suggestions to me on or before Friday, January 7th, 2022. Nomination forms should be scanned and sent by email toron@rrdfsi.ca.
Nilam Bedi, Chair, and all of the members of the District 7070 Areas of Focus Environment Committee invite YOU to hear our keynote speaker, Dr. Mathis Wackernagel, Founder and President, Global Footprint Network. Dr. Wackernagel is an internationally recognized authority on developing metrics for ecological sustainability who published extensively and won numerous award for his work.
Title:Supporting the Environment: Are we committed to our own success?
The Topic of his Talk: The future has never been more predictable than today. We know that people will want to eat, sleep, be safely sheltered, and move around.. They will also live in a world with more extreme weather and climate change, as well as fewer ecological resources. We already have a massive overshoot of our demands upon the planet relative to what it can sustain. Dialling back this overshoot, even if we do it ultra-fast, will not be a quick-fix for the extreme weather and fewer ecological resources. What we also know for sure: humanity will get out of overshoot one way or another - the choice is merely whether it will be by design or through disaster. Therefore, communities, corporations or countries that do not prepare for this predictable future will be at a large disadvantage. What are we waiting for? What are our options?
Be sure to register to hear Dr. Wackernagel Dr. Wackernagel explore these questions and learn how Rotarians can get involved in tackling the threats to our planet.
Please join us for the You Tube Replay of "End Polio Now - A One on One Conversation with Past Rotary International Vice President Dr. Bob Scott" moderated by Lynda Kay, Past President of the Rotary Club of Cobourg. Lynda interviewed Dr. Bob as we focused on December - Disease Prevention Month. Dr Bob Scott's leadership over the years has been a major influence on so many Rotarians to help eradicate polio from the face of the earth. You won't want to miss this one.
Posted by Lars Henriksson, Past District Governor & Chair District 7070 Visioning Team
Interested in becoming a Club Visioning facilitator?
It is now time for us in District 7070 to rebuild our Club Visioning Team. We need volunteer facilitators. We will be holding a two hour virtual training of facilitators on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 9 am – 11 am. The training will mainly be on the new virtual version; however, the process is more or less the same for sessions where Club members meet in person.
For many years, District 7070 ran a very successful and appreciated Club Visioning program. Two thirds of the Clubs in the District participated in the program. Some Clubs went through the process each third or fourth year. Over 100 Districts in Canada, the US, UK, Australia, and Scandinavia use the program, that was developed by Rotarians for Rotarians. During the last 18 months, the program has been updated. The material has been aligned with RI’s new strategic plan. A virtual model has also been developed. It has been received favourably. Many Clubs around the world have completed virtual visioning sessions.
If you are interested in becoming a Club Vision facilitator, please contact PDG Lars Henriksson, pdglars.henriksson@gmail.com for more information. You are also encouraged to visit www.rivisionfacilitation.org This site will give you a good overview of the Club Visioning program.
In the 2019-2020 Rotary Year, many Rotarians and Rotaractors of District 7070 participated to complete the new 3-year strategic plan. A recent District wide survey reconfirmed and refined the Strategic Actions under the following four categories:
To assist the Rotary Clubs of District 7070 achieve their Strategic Action goals, the District Public Relations Committee is introducing a Rotary Club ClubRunner Website Refresh Program and Promotional Discount available for your club TODAY. Please Read more......
Posted by Mark Blackmore, Secretary, Rotary Club of G.O.A.L.S.
District 7070 Rotary Club of G.O.A.L.S. is organizing a one-day D7070 Rotary softball tournament this summer. It will be here before you know it.
Clubs could enter their own team, or create a joint team (i.e. members from 2, 3, 4 clubs join together to form a team). I could also take individuals and we will form your team. It's open to family members of club members. Saturday or Sunday. Co-ed. Three-pitch (i.e. pitch to your own team). No sliding. Recreational. Fun!! Oshawa/Whitby area.
Right now Rotarian Mark Blackmore is trying to gauge interest to determine if it is worthwhile to organize. Any club that might be interested in playing if it were organized is encouraged to contact Mark directly at mark_blackmore@hotmail.com or 905 626 8742 to let him know, TODAY.
Posted by Iosif Ciosa, District Governor 2022 - 23, Rotary District 7070
To the Rotary family here in District 7070,
Join us this year to explore what’s possible in Rotary, in Houston, and in yourself. Each year, Rotary members from all over the world come together to discover new opportunities to increase our impact, broaden our reach, and strengthen our ability to adapt for future success. It’s also the perfect venue to find new ways to enhance your Rotary experience. Register righthere.
We are working to organize a special District 7070 celebration - details to follow.......
Cruise to Bermuda, September 1-6, 2022 Celebrating Life Below Water - Connecting the World Through Sustainability. This Rotary Zone 28 & 32 event is open to everyone – Rotarians and non-Rotarians – interested in having fun and learning more about Life Below Water.
Just announced - speakers during our special cruise to Bermuda! Lis Mullin Bernhardt - Program Officer, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Past Rotary International President, Barry Rassin, Rotary Club of East Nassau, will share his passion for the sustainable use of our oceans and the importance of caring for our planet “There is no Plan B”; Dr. Chris King, whose topics is Threats of Climate Change to Peace. Dr King is a retired Brigadier General with over 32 years of active service in the United States Army; C. Mark Eakin, Satellite Oceanography & Climatology Division, Marine Ecosystems & Climate Branch, Coordinator of NOAA Coral Reef Watch; and Vic Grosjean, MEng, MSc, CEng, NER, Chartered Engineer, Oceanographer, One of Australia's Most Innovative Engineers, speaking on the topic of Mangrove Restoration..........
Rotary Zone 28 & 32 invite you to "Life On Land - Connecting the World Through Sustainability" in Anchorage Alaska from November 3 through 5, 2022 ate the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel and Spa. Just announced - program speakers: Laurie Zuckerman is a third generation Rotarian and a member of the Paul Harris Bequest Society (She serves as Rotary 5400’s Environmental Sustainability Chair, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) North American Webinar Coordinator, and ESRAG’s Climate Education Co-Chair); Ilarion (Larry Merculieff) was raised in a traditional Unangan (Aleut) way and received his Unangan name Kuuyux (The name is given to one person in each lifetime amongst his people. Kuuyux means an arm extending out from the body, a carrier of ancient knowledge into modern times, a messenger. Today he is living the legacy of his name); and Carey Gillam is a veteran investigative journalist with more than 30 years of experience covering corporate news, including 17 years as a senior correspondent for Reuters international news service (She is the author of “Whitewash- The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science,” an expose of corporate corruption in agriculture). Register now - CLICK HERE
It is always with great sadness when we loose members of our District 7070 Rotary family. Everyone in District 7070 wants to expresses their deepest sympathies to our extended Rotary family. Please send your notices to Newsletter Editor Dave Andrews at dave.f.andrews99@gmail.com .....
Posted by Bob Wallace, Past District Governor, Past Rotary Zone Coordinator, and Chair of District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
In his January 2022 letter to Rotarians, Past District Governor Bob Wallace, Chair of the District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee, encourages every Rotarian to set their club and personal goals and make a conscious effort to make a donation to The Rotary Foundation, whatever you can afford, to the Annual Programs Fund and to the PolioPlus Fund, and to the Endowment Fund. .......
Join our hosts, Rotary International Vice President Valarie Wafer, and Rotary Foundation Trustee, Dean Rohrs, for our Fundraising Gala on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET. Special guests include RI President-Elect Jennifer Jones, Director-Elect Drew Kessler, and our MC for the evening, Past-Director Jeffry Cadorette.
Posted by Bob Wallace, Chair District 7070 Rotary Foundation Committee
Bob Wallace, District 7070 Rotary Foundation Chair hosted November 2021's Tuesday Talks as we heard all about The Rotary Foundation - "It's your money, here are ways to spend it". Bryn Stiles (Past Rotary International Director and this year's aide to the RI President for 2021-22, Shekhar Mehta) showed us where Rotary Foundation money is spent and the benefits. Then we heard from a Rotary Foundation Scholar, Dr. Charlotte Hunter, a family physician with a special interest in HIV/AIDS care, who currently works at the St. Michael's Hospital Academic Family Health Team and at Casey House. She was the District 7070 Global Grant Scholarship recipient for 2020-2021and completed her MSc Public Health degree at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in London, UK. Here is the link.
2021 may go down in history as the turning point in the global effort to eradicate polio. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, continued wild polio transmission in the remaining endemic countries and spreading outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses type 2 (cVDPV2), this year began with many challenges facing polio eradication efforts. But amid this new reality, countries and partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) intensified their efforts to protect children from lifelong paralysis...........
Rotary and our Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners have launched the Polio Eradication Strategy 2022-2026: Delivering on a Promise to overcome the remaining challenges to ending polio, including last year’s increase in polio cases caused by a pause in vaccination campaigns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders from Pakistan and Afghanistan — the last two countries where wild polio remains endemic — have recommitted to working with the GPEI to improve vaccination campaigns and reach at-risk children. As long as polio exists anywhere, it remains a threat everywhere.
In addition to providing a roadmap to eradication, the new strategy calls for renewed political and financial commitments from governments and donors to achieve a polio-free world. Learn more about the action underway to eradicate polio.
Throughout 2021-22, Rotary is hosting webinars that explore creative ways to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and increase our ability to adapt. Join us on Thursday, 13 January, for Expanding Our Reach, the third webinar in our Engaging Members + Delivering Value series. In this webinar, we’ll learn how to think beyond traditional partnerships and build connections with people who share our commitment to service. Two sessions, at 11:00 and 18:00 (UTC-6), (12 Noon and 9 PM Eastern Time) will be offered.
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly - Chair, District 7070 Membership Committee
The path to a strong vibrant Rotary Club involves our Membership. Membership is like a garden, to be strong and grow we nurture current members and plant the seeds for new members on an ongoing basis.
District 7070 has Clubs that are vibrant and growing…how are they doing that? How are other Districts doing that? This informative and interactive workshop will generate discussion and spark ideas to engage and inspire. We encourage at least 3 members from a club to attend so you can share the discussion and work on plans for strengthening your Club. The workshop is for all Rotarians interested in their club’s path togrowth.
REGISTER TODAY and PUT MEMBERSHIP FRONT & CENTER IN YOUR CLUB. On January 22, 2022 from 9:30 am to 11:10 am - the District Membership Committee is hosting a New “Grow Rotary Zoom Workshop”. Registration is now OPEN on the District 7070 website right here.
David Higgs faced a challenge when he took over as the president of the Rotary Club of Henderson, Texas, USA. The club was down to less than 20 members and fewer than a dozen attended weekly meetings. That’s when he came up with a plan, including encouraging club members to make a big deal of their installation dinner and work together to invite 100 people to the event. Read about how their efforts helped double the number of members in a blog post for Rotary Voices.
The pandemic has created difficulties in many parts of our lives, but within every challenge lies an opportunity to grow and become more resilient. It’s a good time to think about setting and achieving goals. Whether you’re starting a new hobby or trying to reduce waste, the key to attaining your goals is keeping them simple.
Here are several club-related goals you can set for the second half of the Rotary year: .........
Every January, we see a big increase in inquiries about joining Rotary. District and club leaders, remember to follow up with these prospective members to ensure that they have a positive experience. You can gain a better understanding of how to turn leads into members by taking the Online Membership Leads course. And it’s now much easier to view candidate details in the newly revised mobile layout. It only takes a moment to follow up with the candidates from your mobile device and assign them to a club. Rotary International President Shekar Mehta’s Each One, Bring One initiative encourages all members to share Rotary with others. Use the Refer a new member form if you know someone who might be interested in joining. The updated form allows all Rotary members to refer a prospective member to their own club or to a different club.
The Membership Society for New Member Sponsors recognizes members who have expanded Rotary’s reach by sponsoring 25 or more members. Read about how Tom Gump, past governor of District 5950 (Minnesota, USA), brought in more than 50 members and achieved the gold level of recognition.
Each year, thousands of people become part of the family of Rotary by participating in Rotary programs. After their positive experience in these programs, Rotary alumni often want to join a Rotary or Rotaract club. Read about how several members in District 4340 (Chile) recognized this opportunity and engaged with Rotary Youth Exchange alumni to start the Rotary Club of Sin Fronteras.
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly, Chair, District 7070 Membership Committee
District 7070 Membership Committee is calling for both Rotaractors and Rotarians in the District to join the District Membership Committee. Our scope is to foster the growth of Rotary and strong Rotary Clubs in D7070. We are looking for Rotarians who are passionate about membership and growing strong Clubs in D7070. Are you that Rotarian? If you are interested, please contact Virginia O’Reilly at voreilly@burakjacobson.ca and we can set up a time to chat about your interests.
The Membership Committee comprises a Main organizing committee and 5 sub-committees. Please take time to review the sub-committees and see which one (s) that suit your interests and where you can contribute the most. To see the various sub-committees. please Read more.....
Rotary Action Groups help clubs and districts plan and carry out community development and humanitarian service projects in their areas of expertise. The groups are organized by Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace Fellows with skills and interest in a particular field. Membership is open to anyone who wants to share their expertise to make a positive impact........
Posted by Nilam Bedi, Chair, District 7070 Environmental Action Committee
In the first few months after its inception last year, the District 7070 Environmental Action Committee (EAC), surveyed clubs to establish a baseline of the environmental activities already taking place within District 7070 clubs, to gather ideas about environmental actions that could be shared and scaled across the District and to discover how the EAC can assist clubs in implementing and managing environmental initiatives. Recently, a year and a half into its mandate, EAC sent out a follow up survey to take stock of environmental action across the district a year later. We are pleased to report a response rate of almost 80%, which is phenomenal. The survey results show that clubs across the District 7070 can be proud of the way they have embraced environmental action. Take a look at these ideas for your club.......
Posted by Meg Schmieder , Community Program Coordinator, ShelterBox Canada
In her January 2022 Newsletter, Meg Schmeider, Community Program Coordinator at ShelterBox Canada, asks if we know a realtor who shares the same values of peace, service, and friendship that we do? ShelterBox Canada has an opportunity for them to get involved in Rotary International’s commitment to disaster relief with our Buy a Home, Give a Home program. Here's more of her newsletter.....
Posted by Stephanie Christensen Executive Director, ShelterBox Canada
Disasters don't stop for the holidays, and late last week the Philippines was hit with a devastating super typhoon, causing massive destruction and deaths. We are extremely concerned about the situation in the Philippines. Almost 500,000 people have been displaced so far, and homes have been destroyed on a massive scale. The death toll also continues to rise. This is one of the worst storms we have seen so far in 2021. Wind speeds reached 195km/h (the equivalent of a category 5 hurricane) and brought torrential rain and flooding to some of the poorest areas of the country. Read more to see how Shelterbox is responding.....
Posted by John Currie, Executive Director, Honouring Indigenous People
Here is the latest Honouring Indigenous People Rotary News and Events, projects, blogs, photos, films, and resources. There are many major initiatives and resources available to you and your Rotary club, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your Club can help. Our District 7070 Action Committee's Areas of Focus Coordinator is John Currie from the Pickering Rotary Club. John is also the Executive Director of H I P and Past President of the Rotary Club of Pickering. He can be reached at john.currie@pickeringrotary.ca . If you have a good news story, please send it to John. Here are some highlights .........
Posted by John Currie, Executive Director Honouring Indigenous Peoples
We receive a lot of questions regarding land acknowledgements. Indigenous peoples have acknowledged their surroundings in statements long before the arrival of Europeans. Acknowledgments reference the people of the land and include specifics like the water, ancestors, animals, and plant life......
A new webpage, Our Brand, can guide you in using Rotary’s logos, colors, and fonts to design flyers, brochures, presentations, and other promotional materials with a consistent look and feel. To get started, visit the Brand Center and go to the Our Brand tab. You can also go to the Help section to find answers to frequently asked questions about using the Rotary brand and our brand materials. Log into to MyRotary and visit the Brand Centre.
Our new 30-second video shows what Rotary clubs are doing to make a difference in their communities and around the world. Visit rotary.org/brandcenter to download and share Rotary’s latest video today. Watch the video here.
A Public Image Chair's job is to tell the stories of their Rotary or Rotaract club in ways that will inspire non-members to get involved. A successful chair helps the public understand what Rotary does and the impact Rotary makes locally and globally. Read more about Bernd Meidel in his blog post (here).
Posted by Laura Spear, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator, Zone 32
A couple of weeks ago, my Rotary club co-sponsored a service project/fundraiser with another Rotary club and a partnering nonprofit. The event was held outside on a beautiful day. Our club had a shiny pull-up banner featuring members as People of Action, involved in numerous service projects. Across the back tent poles, we hung a banner with our club logo, created in Brand Center, and the official Rotary Azure leadership color for the background. We handed out printed versions of our brochure, which also featured members at service projects and was created in Brand Center......
Posted by Rob MacArthur, District 7070 Public Image Committee
In the Summer of 2020, we asked Rob MacArthur, our District 7070 Public Image Public Investigator (P I P I for short) to carry out an investigation on all 55 Rotary clubs with respect to their club's Public Image. Rob looked at their basic web site setup as well as social media channels and the way they were being used. A spreadsheet of the results was made available for our District Leadership Team and Assistant Governors to look at in the Fall of 2020. The Pie Chart included shows a graphical representation of the results. Where do you "think" your club fits in this chart? What is the Image that the public have, about your club?
If you would like to know where your club is and/or get some help in removing those issues, or, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rotary District 7070's very own PI PI(Public Image Public Investigator) Rob MacArthur at info@robmac.org. REMEMBER: Another investigation will be take place in the Fall of 2021 after clubs have had their websites refreshed. Has your club improved your Public Image?
Posted by Sue Miller, District 7070 Public Image Committee
Have you seen what is on our District 7070 YouTube channel ? Subscribe TODAY. Use the videos. It will help your club tell the story of Rotary and show how your club members are People of Action in your community and around the world! People’s perception of Rotary comes from their experiences with our clubs and programs, along with the stories we tell and the videos & images we share. Compelling, consistent brand communications — together with a great experience — can help us engage and attract more members, donors, and partners. Use our District 7070 YouTube channel to share videos that reflect Rotary’s initiatives and projects both locally and globally. These videos can be posted to your social media pages and shared at your meetings.
85 Videos (and counting) that are broken down into the following playlists:
Rotary District 7070
District 7070 Taking Action Locally
District 7070 Taking Action Globally
District 7070 Workshops
Tuesday Talks
Rotary International
End Polio
Director's Dialogue
Check out our new Rotary District 7070 YouTube channel! Whether you want to catch up on a Tuesday Talk, see videos of our clubs taking action locally or globally, share an engaging video from Rotary International on your social media or at a club meeting…it’s all there and more. Please send us any appropriate videos from your club events/meetings to be included on our channel (send to suepmiller@rogers.com). Go to https://bit.ly/3dz2iBt and subscribe so you don’t miss a thing.
Posted by Rob MacArthur, District Public Image Committee
What is Your Club's Online Presence? Do You Even Have One? Does it represent your club members? Does it tell the Rotary story of who you are and what you do?
Your District 7070 Public Image Committee asked one of our committee members, Rob MacArthur of the Rotary Club of Port Hope to be our "Public Image Public Investigator" to take a look at your club website and social media accounts. We asked Rob to sum up what he found and offer some suggestions to help your club. Here is Rob's look at our Rotary clubs in District 7070 and some outstanding tips how you can increase your club's public image.....
Posted by Sue Miller, District 7070 Public Image Committee
Calling all District 7070 Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs! Increase your club’s visibility. TAG US !
Tag Rotary District 7070 in all of your appropriate social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) so we can share your news and events. We have lots of followers who would like to see your posts!
Be sure to go to District 7070's Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram Accounts - borrow and share our posts on your club's social media. Boost Your Rotary Image TODAY.
Posted by David Andrews, Chair, District 7070 Public Image Committee
District 7070 Public Image Committee is calling for both Rotaractors and Rotarians in the District to join the District Public Image Committee. Our scope is to boost Rotary's Public Image and to assist Rotary Clubs in D7070 to do the same.
We are looking for Rotaractors and Rotarians who have experience in the field of Public Relations, Social Media platforms, and news writing. We want you to use those attributes to assist clubs and our Committee . Are you that Rotarian? Are you that Rotaractor? If you are interested, please contact Dave Andrews at dave.f.andrews99@gmail.com and we can set up a time to chat about your interests.
Be sure to see the Public Image menu tab on our District Website and check out our District Facebook Page , Twitter account and Instagram account and this Dsitrict Newsletter too, for some idea of what we do.
Do you have events or fundraisers that you want other clubs to know about? Perhaps a project with which you need their assistance? Here are just three ways you can get your event, your message , a story about your club, or your "ask for help" out to your neighbouring Rotary Clubs:........
Fourth Annual Concert to Feed the Need in Durham on Sunday December 12, musicians from across the Durham Region gathered at the historic Regent Theatre in Oshawa to help feed their neighbours in the fourth annual Concert to Feed the Need in Durham. Congratulations and a big thank you to coordinator Joe Solway (Rotary Club of Bowmanville), the many volunteers and talented musicians for donating their time and staging the Concert to Feed the Need in Durham. Please Read more....
We are in the process of a new and refreshed District 7070 Website. Be sure to watch for the change over the next short period of time. Be sure to register for your club's website refresh too. In the meantime, check out the resources and articles available to you today.
Have you checked out the up to the minute scrolling stories that you can share with your members and post on to your club website and social media pages? Have you checked out the new concise menu tabs? Have you seen all of the links at the bottom of the page? There's more good news here... Please Read more.....
Rotary International Zones 28 & 32 (formerly Zones 24 & 32) is a community of Rotarians, spanning two languages, four countries and seven time zones: Bermuda, Canada, France and the United States. It is you and me.
The Zone Website is filled with news from around the Rotary world, and even in our own backyard. Please take a look at theZone websiteand you will find monthly Beyond Borders Newsletters, letters from our Rotary leaders, dates and sites of our Rotary Zone Conferences which you can attend, Rotary events in our own backyard, Resources on membership, The Rotary Foundation and Public Image, and a section called Great Ideas To Share (Best Practices you can use and share with your members), membership webinars , and up to the minute news and download files. Enjoy.
We've been zooming along for a while now. Many of our clubs are looking forward to re-connecting in person. But what if some of your club members have truly embraced remote meetings? The next era of Rotary meetings are hybrid's. That's right, a combination of in person and remote. It's another new frontier! If you want to learn how to run great hybrid meeting so everyone is present, either remotely or in the room, please watch this special edition of Tech Tuesday Talks. You'll hear from seasoned Rotarians who will show and tell what it takes to make a hybrid meeting great. Learn from those in the know, best practices for sharing presentations, speakers, voice and background. Gain from the experience of others. Questions you may have, like "can you just put a laptop at the front of the room or do you need special technology or hardware?" "Is it costly?" "How "techy" does one need to be to run a hybrid meeting?" Join us for answers to these and many other questions so your club can zoom into the frontier of hybrid Rotary meetings. The future is bright - it's hybrid! Watch it on the Rotary District You Tube Channel today https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rotary+district+7070 . Please Read more to see the video.....
Your Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact club can earn a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and your club. Goals include increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.