The pandemic has created difficulties in many parts of our lives, but within every challenge lies an opportunity to grow and become more resilient. It’s a good time to think about setting and achieving goals. Whether you’re starting a new hobby or trying to reduce waste, the key to attaining your goals is keeping them simple. 

Here are several club-related goals you can set for the second half of the Rotary year: .........

Here are several club-related goals you can set for the second half of the Rotary year: 
1.    Update your member data in My Rotary (learn how to add or manage a member). 
2.    Update your club meeting information (time; place; meeting language; and whether your club meets in person, online, or both) so fellow Rotary members and other clubs can easily find you. 
3.    Consider pairing your less engaged members with Rotary mentors. Take the Best Practices for Engaging Members course to develop strategies for engaging people at all stages of membership. You’ll learn how to energize the club experience, keep members interested, and prevent your club from becoming stale.

Good luck as you work to achieve all of your goals!