Posted by Sherry Chamberlain, Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator - Zone 28

We are so appreciative of the funds donated thus far for the Wildfire victims and now with the Flood victims of BC. If you or your club would like to donate to the Pacific Northwest Rotary Disaster Recovery and Relief Efforts, you can do so as follows. Donations for fire or flood relief and recovery can be made to the Steveston Rotary Charitable Foundation in two ways:

  1. E-transfer   Send your e-transfers to

  2. Cheque.  Cheques made payable to the Rotary Club of Steveston Charitable Society can be sent to:

Rotary Club of Steveston, 12111 3rd Avenue, Richmond, B.C. V7E 3K1, Canada

You can specify in your notes if the donation goes to a specific area or disaster as well as just the overall efforts being done by Rotarians in Districts 5060, 5040 and 5050.