Rotary Foundation Grants Information
Rotary Foundation Grants Qualification Process for the 2024-25 Rotary year
Rotary and Rotaract Clubs that want to apply for a Global or District Grant, must be qualified.
Club Qualification
The Rotary Foundation requires that Rotary and Rotaract Clubs are qualified if they want to apply for Global or District Grant funds. A Club is qualified once:
- at least two of its members have successfully either completed the on-line Qualification Training provided by the District or attended in full a workshop/seminar organized by the District, and
- the Club President and President Elect have signed the Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, and submitted it to the District.
The on-line Qualification Training consists of two modules. A Quiz is connected to each module. Each Quiz consists of nine questions. To pass the Quiz, the Rotarians/Rotaractors must correctly answer at least, seven of the questions on the Quiz connected with the module. Once the Rotarian/Rotaractor has successfully passed both Quizzes, s/he is qualified and will count towards the his/her Club’s records. An alternative is for the Rotarian/Rotaractor to attend a Foundation workshop/seminar organized by D7070 At least two members of a Rotary or Rotaract Club must pass either the on-line training or a workshops as part of the Qualification process for the Club. Links to the modules and quizzes can be found in the left-hand column on this page.
The second qualification requirement for the Club is that the current Club President and the President Elect must sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and submit it to the District.
Club Qualification, which is a requirement by The Rotary Foundation, is valid for one Rotary year. Please note, Clubs must be qualified throughout the life of a project.
Quizzes can be taken whenever it is convenient to the Rotarian/Rotaractor. The District will inform the member of the result of a Quiz. A record per member and Club is kept by the District. When two members of a Club have successfully completed the Quizzes or attended Foundation workshops, and the Club’s leadership (President and President Elect) has submitted a signed copy of the MOU to the District, the Club will be informed that it is qualified. The Club will also be added to the record of qualified Clubs on the District’s website.
Rotary and Rotaract Clubs that want to lead a Global Grant or District Grant project must be qualified. (Non-qualified Clubs can still financially support projects in a non-leading role). But Clubs are encouraged to become qualified to better understand and support the Rotary Foundation and its important programs. And more than two members of one Club are welcome to take the training.
Qualification Knowledge Material – Learn
- Module 1 – The Rotary Foundation
- Module 2 – Global and District Grants
Quizzes – Test
- Quiz Module 1
- Quiz Module 2
Documents to be downloaded - Available from the menu on the left
- 2024-25 Club Memorandum of Understanding – MOU (word)
- 2024-25 District Grant Application form (word)
- DDF Request form for Global Grant Projects
DDF matching for Global Grant Projects must be requested
Clubs in District 7070 requesting DDF (District Designated Funds) to match Club cash contributions to a Global Grant Project must send a DDF-request form to the District Foundation Grant Sub-Committee.
Based on the information in the form and discussions with the Club, District 7070 will inform the Club/s how much DDF that can be made available to the project. DDF will not be made available to projects, if no request form was sent to the District.
Global and District Grants
Global Grants require two Clubs and/or Districts located in two separate countries to work together; the Host and International Partners respectively. The Host Partner is where the project will take place. D7070 Clubs are typically the International Partner. Global Grants are for long-term projects, and they must fall in one of the seven Areas of Focus. The budget for a Global Grant project must be min. USD 30,000.
It is strongly recommended that Clubs do the calculations for Global Grants in USD, including commitments for support from other Clubs. This will prevent future discussions about exchange rates once the Clubs are asked to pay their promised contributions.
Global Grant projects must fall within at least one of the seven areas of focus. These areas are
- Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
- Disease prevention and treatment
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Maternal and Child Health
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Economic and Community Development
- Environment
Global Grants may be funded by
- Club Cash
- DDF – District Designated Funds
- Other contributions, and
- The Rotary Foundation Award from the World Fund (TRF’is matching all DDF In a project 80%)\
The Rotary Foundation is only matching DDF (District Designated Funds) in Global Grant projects with 80%. If there is $10,000 of DDF, which can come from various Districts, TRF will award $8,000 to the project from its World Fund. Consequently, this means that it is very important for Clubs to get DDF in projects. Please, note that you must request the DDF matching by sending a DDF Request Form to the District Foundation Grant Sub-Committee early in your application process. Based on the information provided, you will learn how much DDF you may receive.
District 7070 is only matching cash contributions from D7070 Clubs with DDF but may also match cash contributions by D7070 Clubs to Global Grant projects, led by Clubs outside D7070. D7070 Clubs that are International or Host Partner in a Global Grant project, should ask supporting Clubs from other Districts for DDF from their Districts.
Applications for Global Grant projects are made at and can be made throughout the year. Every Global Grant application must include a Community Needs Assessment study. The Global Grant Calculator, found on is a very useful tool to find out funding options.
For more information, please download "Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation Global Grants" available on .
District Grants are supposed be used for smaller projects. The budget for a project should be at least CAD1,000. The project must still meet the Rotary Foundation Mission. A District Grant can be used both locally and internationally. There is no requirement for a Rotary/Rotaract Club at the other end. However, it is beneficial to cooperate with local Rotary Clubs, if such exist.
District 7070 is encouraging Clubs to cooperate in District Grant projects. Hence, the matching increases with the number of Clubs involved in a project. The matching formula is shown on the District Grant Application Form, which can be downloaded from this site.
Clubs apply to the District for District Grants using the special form found on this website. Only applications received by May 31, 2024, will be considered to be included in the District’s Spending Plan, the District's application to the Rotary Foundation for a District Block Grant. The Spending Plan is, in short, a summary of all the projects that the District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee has decided to endorse.
What happens to a District Grant after May 31, 2024?
Applications for District Grant funds received on, or before, May 31, 2024 will be reviewed by the District Foundation Grant Sub-Committee for consideration to be included in the District’s Spending Plan, our application to the Rotary Foundation for a District Block Grant.
The Committee aims to have the review completed at the end of June 2024 and submit the Spending Plan to the Rotary Foundation early in July. Normally, the Foundation needs about a month to review the Plan, so we expect to have the funds for the successful Clubs in August/September 2024.
The Spending Plan will be published on the District’s website.
Useful links
Here are a few useful links
- Rotary Grants information
- District 7070 information
More information
For more information, please contact PDG Lars Henriksson, Chair, District Foundation Grants Sub-Committee at email or tel. 416-402 6093.