Past District Governor Mike Cooksey once told me that if you want more Rotary members, you have to ask. He told every Rotarian he saw to "Get your Ask in Gear". His words certainly reflect one of the District 7070 Action Plans. Our goal is to receive 100 inquires from the "Join Us" or "Interested In Joining Us?" button on the District 7070 Website. Here is our challenge to your club: By the end of this Rotary year we want over 45 Rotary Clubs have a "Join Us" or "Interested In Joining Us?" button on their own club website AND for your club to have a "member conversion process" from these inquiries. It's up to you.
To see how we have done , Please Read more........
If you have been already been part of the District 7070 Website Refresh Program, then you will remember Melissa Wells talking about adding a "Join Us" button to the front page of your club website. This is your way of "asking" anyone who sees your website to learn more about Rotary and join your club.
Past District Governor Bob Wallace of our District 7070 Technology Team did this to our District Website. Instead of "Join Us" , Bob put an "Interested in Joining Us" button right up front on the menu tab.
In the first 30 days of adding the "Interested In Joining? button to the District website, Bob Wallace received an inquiry and is now following up with the individual, and providing a lead to one of our District Rotary Clubs. Even more inquiries in 2023-24. It really works. Please give it a try. Please contact Bob if you need help adding this to your club website at rwallace7070@gmail.com .
For those clubs who have not yet registered their club for a Club Website refresh, please do so as soon as you can. You will be surprised who will see your website and who knows, they just may want to join. If a prospective member is going to join your club, they are going to check you out. Is you club website "inviting " to them? This is your big chance to do just that.
If you have not had a chance to get your Club Website refreshed, please do so real soon. The half back rebate continues for 2024-25 for your website refresh with Melissa Wells. See the story right here in this newsletter.
Please Google a few of the Rotary clubs in our District and see what they have. Click on their "Join Us" button to see how they get interested parties to "ask" about Rotary: Rotary Clubs of Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby-Sunrise, Port Perry, and so many more
Here is the District Website front page. Do you see the "Interested in Joining Us" button? right in the menu tabs:
Here is the Rotary Club of Toronto Page: See the "Join " button?