Did you know more than a billion people use social media every day?
Social media is readily accessible, instantaneous, cost effective and user friendly. It offers your Rotary club a fantastic opportunity to communicate more effectively with members and supporters and can energize the way you promote your club and find new members.
Here are just a few examples of ways your club can use social media:
- Use Twitter to quickly advise members and the public of a last-minute change of venue for an event.
- Let members and potential members know via Facebook when and where the next meeting will be and who the speaker is.
- Use Facebook to start a discussion about a particular topic or issue at the club. Be prepared for positive and negative feedback and use it to improve your club.
- Share details of your club’s new member recruitment session. When people “like” your post or retweet it, it shares the info with their entire social network.
- Follow the Facebook pages of local businesses and organizations in your area. Comment on their posts; start a conversation.
- Share stories and photos from your club service projects. When people see the great work your club is doing, they’re more likely to join.
- Remember that social media is a conversation, so respond to comments, answer questions, and focus on the benefits of being a member of your club.
- Once you get active on social media, stay active. The more you’re connected, the more likely you are to make connections – and get new members.
Most importantly, if you are using social media, don’t forget to let your supporters know you are!
Add social media buttons to your website, links on invitations, newsletters and emails, and display account information in recruitment and marketing materials.
Getting started on social media can help your club get the word out, especially where younger people hang out, and attract new members.
- Discover tips for getting your event noticed on social media
- Join a discussion on membership best practices
About the author: Evan Burrell is a member of the Rotary Club of Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia, and a former member of Rotaract. He has been involved with Rotary since he was 18. He currently manages social media for Rotary Down Under, the Rotary regional magazine of Australia. Follow Evan on Facebook.