Become a CHARTER MEMBER of the Canadian End Polio Now Club today. All you have to do is make a donation to The Rotary Foundation Polio Fund for $100.00 Canadian, once a year - every year. Our Past District Governor Michael Bell signed up 20 new members at the recent Rotary District 7070 conference. Did you know that Donations to The Rotary Foundation Polio Fund are tax deductible, even in Canada?.
Your donations to the Polio Fund are really needed today. Did you know that Rotary International's goal is for every Rotary club (including your own cub) to donate $1,500 US per year so that we can get the Gates Foundation of $100 million US per year? That would work out to an average of $45 US per club member. Did you know that only 12% of Rotarians donate to the Polio Fund worldwide. Let's change that number. It is up to you.
Make your donation and then notify DG Michael Bell at that you have done this and he will make sure you get your CHARTER MEMBER pin in the Canadian End Polio Now Club.
Thank you Rotarians and Rotaractors of District 7070. Thank you Michael Bell and thank you Dr Bob Scott (Immediate Past Chair of the Rotary International Polio Plus Committee) for promoting the Canadian End Polio Now Club.
Click here to make an online donation